On Sat, Dec 23, 2023 at 03:54:45PM -0800, tony mancill wrote:
> On Sat, Jul 15, 2023 at 03:56:01PM +0200, Emmanuel Bourg wrote:
> > On 08/07/2023 20:22, tony mancill wrote:
> > 
> > > Emmanuel, do you recall what prompted the change?
> > 
> > I think the issue is that when Maven runs in pbuilder, the TTY isn't
> > detected and colors get disabled (batch mode isn't used for Debian builds
> > though). If anything is changed please ensure that building with pdebuild
> > preserves the colors.
> Looking at the sources (finally), jansi already supports a mode to
> "force" [1] escape sequences, even when the output is not a terminal.  I
> propose that we revert the patch and update the Java build tooling to
> set the property as desired for our builds.
> Once I get this tested and the property configured, I'll upload to
> experimental.

The following are now available in experimental:


The maven-debian-helper change is here [1].  The two packages have been
tested in conjunction to ensure that:

- Maven output is colorized by default when invoked during Debian
  package builds that depend on maven-debian-helper.

- Direct `mvn` Maven output is not colorized by default.

- MAVEN_OPTS, or any other mechanism to set the JVM property jansi.mode,
  can be used to specify the mode and override the default behavior.

I believe this covers the (large) majority of Debian build cases and
restores the upstream behavior, but please let me know if I've missed
something.  The version of gradle in Debian depends on libjansi1-java,
and so wasn't impacted by the patch to jansi (version 2.x).

Assuming there aren't any concerns, I plan to upload maven-debian-helper
and then the jansi package to unstable on January 7th.



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