Hi, as you might have noticed the upstream source for r-bioc-dss and r-bioc-demixt are missing and upstream did not answered two mails about this. Since the transition looks clean for me so far[1] after I fixed two autopkgtest issues yesterday I (naively) think we could remove r-bioc-dss and r-bioc-demixt from testing and all other packages can migrate to finish the transition from r-bioc perspective.
I'm wondering what I can do in some cases that are caused by the pandoc issue like shortread[2] which should be solved in principle. I'm worried about issues in r-rcan-rmarkdown[3] and r-cran-flextable[4] which are caused by pandoc errors on ppc64el architecture *only*. That's really strange and might mean that pandoc on this architecture is broken? Regarding pandoc I've just uploaded a fix for pypandoc (fixing bugs #1057946 and #1058153) I have neither any clue nor any time to check nbconvert. Kind regards Andreas. [1] https://tracker.debian.org/pkg/r-bioc-biocgenerics [2] https://tracker.debian.org/pkg/r-bioc-shortread [3] https://ci.debian.net/packages/r/r-cran-rmarkdown/testing/ppc64el/40945637/ [4] https://ci.debian.net/packages/r/r-cran-flextable/testing/ppc64el/40945625/ -- http://fam-tille.de