Package: src:linux Followup-For: Bug #1057843
FYI: there is a nice workaround to avoid upgrading to the affected kernel: =======================[ snip ]================================ This should block just the buggy kernel. Which might help with unattended upgrades problem or just being forgetful. It might even uninstall the buggy kernel, though I didn't test that. And it shouldn't impact upgrading to 6.1.66 when it's available. create a file: /etc/apt/preferences.d/buggy-kernel with the contents: # avoid kernel with ext4 bug # 1057843 Package: linux-image-* Pin: version 6.1.64-1 Pin-Priority: -1 (the comment isn't required but is helpful for remembering why this file is around in 6 months.) =======================[ snip ]================================