Dear Maintainer,

I've worked on this package doing the following updates:

 * d/control:
      - Bump Standards-Version to 4.6.2.
      - Declare Vcs-* fields under debian salsa group.
      - Declare Rules-Requires-Root to no.
      - Replace debhelper with debhelper-compat.
      - Removed trailing whitespaces.
  * d/copyright:
      - Add Arthur Diniz.
      - Update format URL.
  * d/changelog: Removed trailing whitespaces.
  * d/compat: Removed.
  * d/patches: Patch to disable update checks. (Closes: #1041792)
  * d/upstream/metadata: Created.
  * d/gbp.conf: Created.

A repo has been created in Salsa:

The package now can be cloned and tested.

I'm available for any extra fixes and/or updates before uploading.

The changelog is with the label UNRELEASED, if no changes required we can
just change to unstable and do the upload.


I'm currently seeking new packages to work and adopt, if you have plans to
orphan httpie I'm available.

Arthur Diniz

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