Dear Maintainer, I've worked on this package doing the following updates:
* d/control: - Bump Standards-Version to 4.6.2. - Declare Vcs-* fields under debian salsa group. - Declare Rules-Requires-Root to no. - Replace debhelper with debhelper-compat. - Removed trailing whitespaces. * d/copyright: - Add Arthur Diniz. - Update format URL. * d/changelog: Removed trailing whitespaces. * d/compat: Removed. * d/patches: Patch to disable update checks. (Closes: #1041792) * d/upstream/metadata: Created. * d/gbp.conf: Created. A repo has been created in Salsa: The package now can be cloned and tested. I'm available for any extra fixes and/or updates before uploading. The changelog is with the label UNRELEASED, if no changes required we can just change to unstable and do the upload. --- I'm currently seeking new packages to work and adopt, if you have plans to orphan httpie I'm available. Cheers, Arthur Diniz