Alright, got it. Thanks! I simply wanted to make you aware that there's a need 
for an upgrade of specifically NewTX to a specific version (as compared to 
upgrades of other LaTeX packages or to an upgrade of NewTX to prior or 
yet-to-appear versions) because, as fas as I tested so far (around 1000 pages 
through `pdflatex` and `latex`), this version of NewTX is probably relatively 
free of issues (as compared to other versions of NewTX or other LaTeX packages 
you might wish to upgrade). Gratefully, AlMa
09.09.2023, 00:51, Preuße, Hilmar < >
Control: tags -1 + pending On 08.09.2023 19:43, Al Ma wrote: Hi Al, > Please 
upgrade NewTX to 1.726 (dated 2023-08-25).  The following two > problems are 
resolved there /simultenaously/: > There is no need to send package update 
requests. I'm doing package updates on a regulars basis. I tag that issue 
pending and will close it in one of the next uploads. H. -- sigfault

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