Hi Bastian,
ok. agree. Just remove it when the time is coming. Actually I'll rewrite this app by Java awt/swing very soon. Might be able to port it to Windows easier. This app is created just because a wrong move of the Taiwan government. They intent to create a "portable document format" by themselves rather than pdf. And it is not open source. The company that creates this format is not maintaining their software anymore and causes all those docs locked in Windows XP. So I'll rewrite it to Java so that we won't depend on gtk anymore. And also save those employee of the government to continue open this kind of docs on newer systems. Yours, Paul 於 2023年9月10日 上午2:14:42 [GMT+05:30],Bastian Germann <b...@debian.org> 寫到: >darnwdl is not used a lot. So when gtk2 is removed, this package should be >removed as well.