
Is there someone getting this beautiful software to Debian ?

If not, I volunteer to contribute.

Some more context on my part:
We use IMAPSync at work and I have built [1] a repo with it last year.

Now that Debian 12 is out, it has been decided that it was not worth maintaining a server only for this package, so we will remove such server. :'-(

(For now it is available in http://deb.probesys.com ; beware: no SSL !)

[1] With code available in salsa, build was pretty straightforward:

mkdir imapsync-build && cd imapsync-build
gbp clone https://salsa.debian.org/RAPS/imapsync.git
cd imapsync
git branch upstream
gbp import-orig https://imapsync.lamiral.info/dist/old_releases/1.945/imapsync-1.945.tgz
[version to indicate: 1.945+dfsg1 ]
gbp pq import
gbp buildpackage

J. Fernando Lagrange
PROBESYS - Spécialistes OpenSource

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