
On sábado, 24 de junio de 2023 03:42:33 -03 Christian Marillat wrote:
> Source: qt6-multimedia
> Version: 6.4.2-5
> Severity: normal
> Dear Maintainer,
> Please find bellow a debdiff to build qt6-multimedia with system
> eigen3
> Changes are:
>       Add libeigen3-dev to Build-Depends
>       Add a pacth to changes the cinclude path ../3rdparty/eigen to
> /usr/include/eigen3 in src/spatialaudio/CMakeLists.txt and
> src/resonance-audio/CMakeLists.txt

Thanks for your patch! to be totally honest I missed it yesterday while doing 
a Multimedia upload, my bad.

The patch looks really good, but I also just noticed that eigen3 provides both 
cmake and pkg-config files, so ideally we should try to use that. No, I'm not 
asking you to do it, I'll tyr to give it a go.

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