[Cc dpkg maintainers]

Many thanks for this suggestion. I appreciate the advantages of capabilities

However, the Debian packaging of openrc specifically excludes the openrc version
of start-stop-daemon[1] meaning systems continue to use src:dpkg's
start-stop-daemon. As far as I can tell that decision was taken because the 2
versions have slightly different options and syntax. It is difficult to be sure
that using the version from openrc would not cause problems with some

Openrc also has optional capabilities support in supervise-daemon which might be
an advantage to users, but isn't used by default in Debian.

It might be worth exploring adding capabilities support to src:dpkg
start-stop-daemon. Maybe the src:openrc code would be a starting point. I
haven't looked how much the two codebases have diverged.


What do you think?

Best wishes


[1]  https://salsa.debian.org/debian/openrc/-/blob/debian/debian/rules#L21

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