Andrej Shadura wrote:
> I think the release notes should probably mention that dash
> 0.5.11+git20210903+057cd650a4ed-4 has dropped all debconf code to allow
> using a different shell as /bin/sh.

It's not clear from the above (or the changelog) what the change is,
exactly.  Okay, there's now no debconf code to set up a new /bin/sh ->
/bin/bash symlink, but does that mean existing ones will be reverted
on dist-upgrade, or what?  Is this configuration no longer supported,
or is it just that in future admins should set it up with some
mechanism more reliable than debconf?

Either way, we'll need to amend that release-notes entry for
^-handling, and presumably we'll want a new entry about this to go
along with that one.
JBR     with qualifications in linguistics, experience as a Debian
        sysadmin, and probably no clue about this particular package

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