tag 1034457 unreproducible moreinfo


On sábado, 15 de abril de 2023 18:51:18 -03 Julian Groß wrote:
> Package: libqt5quick5
> Version: 5.15.8+dfsg-3
> Severity: normal
> Dear Maintainer,
> we ran into what appears to be a segmentation fault in Qt.
> One of the last places it runs into is QQuickOpenGLShaderEffectCommon which
> is why I am reporting it towards this package.

Well, when you have a crash you are supposed to file a bug against the 
application that triggers the segfault. If this is the case, then please close 
this bug (or just reply asking us to do it) and then file a new bug to the 
application itself, so all the relevant metadata is there.

If the application that triggers the bug is not in Debian then you must add a 
complete small example code to trigger the bug.

Thanks, Lisandro.

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