We have an open bug related to creating a Debian theme for the
documentation that uses Sphinx:
#915583 debian-policy: More attractive sphinx theme, please
Unfortunately I think nobody could put on time on this yet.
Other bugs related to Sphinx in Debian documentation that may need to be
taken into account:
#987943 www.debian.org: Developers Reference: Sphinx search
non-functional: searchindex.js missing
Static javascript resources for Policy and DevRef give 404 errors,
breaking search
Kind regards,
El 19/5/23 a las 1:58, Richard Lewis escribió:
On Thu, 18 May 2023 22:39:11 +0200 Holger Wansing <hwans...@mailbox.org> wrote:
I worked on this recently, and I have something like a prototype ready.
It can be found (as html) at
I hope the below doesn't come across as negative - it;s not meant to
be: i've been submitted MRs for release-notes and
found the XML syntax adds complexity to the source that mostly only
results in the output using bold or fixed-width:
So it would be great to simplify to rst!
Unfortunately, my first impression is that it the output has quite a
few issues which make it a lot harder to read than
the docbook version - which im sure is because it's still only a
prototype, but thought it might helpful to list the things that jumped
out at me:
- It is a lot more cluttered than the docbook version - it feels
off-putting and dense to read
- it's all a bit 'blue' - i'd suggest red is more on-brand for debian
- the "next"/"prev" links at the bottom-right are white on green ---
I totally missed at first, and found hard to read
- i was a bit confused by the "12.1" version number at the bottom of
every page, and having 'sphinx' reminded me of websites with "hosted
by geocities"
- are the red hyphens in eg the 'deb...' line near the top of
meant to be red? (maybe it is a syntax error?)
- package names are no longer distinguished from other text (eg 'ntp'
- the order in the contents pane on the left is a bit...unusual: it
starts with the current section, then does previous, then next, so eg
on chapter 2,
it lists chapters 2, then 1, then 3.
- https://people.debian.org/~holgerw/release-notes_sphinx/en/html/genindex.html
is completely blank
- not sure "show source" on the left is all that useful for readers
I'm sure these are easy to fix!
while the git repo containing the migration is at
Im sure i am being dumb, but i couldnt spot where the actual rst files
are? - i still see eg
in XML
as far as I know, sphinx/reStructuredText is still lacking some functionality,
which is heavily used in the release-notes.
That is the use of substitutions within URLs.
You could always keep the entities and do a 'sed
s/&oldrelease;/bookworm/g' etc before "building" with sphinx.
Actually.... if i click 'show source' l get to
which seems to have |RELEASE| and |RELEASENAME| rather than 12 and
bookworm: perhaps sphinx supports entities after all?
Laura Arjona Reina