X-Debbugs-CC: Petter Reinholdtsen <p...@hungry.com>

On Wed, May 17, 2023 at 08:05:44PM +0200, Petter Reinholdtsen wrote:
> [Petter Reinholdtsen] <p...@hungry.com> writes:
> > Nope.  It do not seem to be available in Bullseye.  I'll try with a
> > Bookworm machine and see if there is greater success there.
> I tested on Bookworm, and while it is different, I did not manage to
> call the SIP endpoint of Zoom.
> With the mediastreamer2-plugin-openh264 package installed, the H.264
> option show up as enabled, and disabling and enabling it do not ask for
> anything to be downloaded.  This is great.
> The problem is that I try to connect it to my local Asterisk server,
> which appear to not work.  I get a proxy account with the correct
> settings, but linphone do not seem to reach the server.

If you're behind NAT-ing router like most people then you usually need
some kind of SIP proxy that connects to your ISP's SIP gateway to make
it work.  So, if Linphone is not working with your Asterisk server you
need to fix that first somehow.

> > Are you able to connect to Zoom yourself?
> Would be interesting to know the answer to this question.

Well, I don't really use Zoom, mainly for privacy reasons, so you're a
bit on your own here.

> It behave a lot better.  I guess this issue can be seen as solved with
> linphone version 5.1.65-4.  Still have not found a way to make Linphone
> useful, but at least the download popup seem to be gone.
> I am happy to debug some more, and am available on #debian-voip if
> someone want direct contact.

Okay, I will close the bug report then.


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