
As a result, could you please move these files to /lib/systemd/system instead
so they are properly detected by debhelper?
As soon as debhelper is supporting (not until bookworm+1 aka Trixie) you will
be able to move them back to the newer location.

I've committed a patch to Salsa.
It looks like it does what it's supposed to, but I don't know how to test it because I don't understand the inner workings of debhelper very well.

@myon: Could you push a new release when you have time, and also against 4.13.0-1? Thanks!

The patch also works with 4.13.0-1, with minor fuzz. Here's the refreshed version:

$ cat debian/patches/0002-service-files-in-root.patch
--- a/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@

-    install(FILES service/charon.service DESTINATION lib/systemd/system)
+    install(FILES service/charon.service DESTINATION /lib/systemd/system)
install(FILES service/nl.ultimaker.charon.conf DESTINATION share/dbus-1/system.d)

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