X-Debbugs-CC: Martin <deba...@debian.org>, Jonas Smedegaard <jo...@jones.dk>

On Mon, Apr 03, 2023 at 07:29:44AM +0000, Martin wrote:
> IMHO, agree to terms only makes sense, if using their linphone SIP
> service, but not when using any other SIP account. I really hope (but
> did not yet check), that linphone does not interchange any data with
> Belledonne, if I don't use their linphone SIP service, right?
> Suggested solution: The buttons "Use SIP account" and "Fetch remote
> configuration" must not be greyed out, even if user does not agree to
> the terms. The other two buttons ("Create a linphone account" and "Use a
> linphone account") should remain as they arey.

I had already patched this out of the 5.0 version of linphone-desktop
that unfortunately didn't make it into Bookworm in time.  I'll look
into backporting that patch.

> Also, the two documents might not be available, e.g. because using
> linphone-desktop in an internal setup without web access or in a country
> where outside web access is blocked. Maybe the documents could be copied
> and linked to /usr/share/doc/linphone-desktop/?

That thought occurred to me, too, but IIRC I opted against it because
I couldn't figure out if those documents are actually redistributable.
Also, they might be subject to change, and users could unknowingly
agree to terms/conditions that were not yet in the outdated version of
the agreement.


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