Source: racket-mode Version: 20210916git0-2 Severity: serious Control: tags -1 bookworm-ignore User: Usertags: regression
Dear maintainer(s),Your package has an autopkgtest, great. However, it fails since December 2022 in testing. Can you please investigate the situation and fix it? I copied some of the output at the bottom of this report.
The release team has announced [1] that failing autopkgtest on amd64 and arm64 are considered RC in testing. [Release Team member hat on] Because we're currently in the hard freeze for bookworm, I have marked this bug as bookworm-ignore. Targeted fixes are still welcome.
More information about this bug and the reason for filing it can be found on
Paul [1] racket-tests/repl Indenting region... Indenting region...done Indenting region... Indenting region...done Indenting region... Indenting region...done Indenting region... Indenting region...done Indenting region... Indenting region...done Test racket-tests/repl backtrace: signal(ert-test-failed (((should (racket-tests/see-back expected)) : ert-fail(((should (racket-tests/see-back expected)) :form (racket-te (if (unwind-protect (setq value-37 (apply fn-35 args-36)) (setq form (let (form-description-39) (if (unwind-protect (setq value-37 (apply (let ((value-37 'ert-form-evaluation-aborted-38)) (let (form-descrip (let* ((fn-35 #'racket-tests/see-back) (args-36 (condition-case err (closure ((expected . "(cond [(values 1) #t] [else #f])\n#t\n> ") (t mapc((closure ((expected . "(cond [(values 1) #t] [else #f])\n#t\n> (let ((typing "[cond [[values 1] #t] [else #f]]") (expected "(cond [ (closure (t) nil (let* ((fn-0 #'racket-tests/see-back-rx) (args-1 (c racket--call-with-repl-buffer((closure (t) nil (let* ((fn-0 #'racket (closure (t) nil (racket-repl) (racket-tests/call-until-true #'(lamb funcall((closure (t) nil (racket-repl) (racket-tests/call-until-true (unwind-protect (funcall thunk) (racket-stop-back-end)) (let ((racket-command-timeout racket-tests/timeout)) (unwind-protect racket-tests/call-with-back-end-settings((closure (t) nil (racket-re (let ((lexical-binding t)) (message "racket-tests/repl") (racket-tes (closure (t) nil (let ((lexical-binding t)) (message "racket-tests/r ert--run-test-internal(#s(ert--test-execution-info :test #s(ert-test ert-run-test(#s(ert-test :name racket-tests/repl :documentation "Sta ert-run-or-rerun-test(#s(ert--stats :selector t :tests ... :test-map ert-run-tests(t #f(compiled-function (event-type &rest event-args) # ert-run-tests-batch(nil) ert-run-tests-batch-and-exit() command-line-1(("-l" "package" "--eval" "(add-to-list 'package-direc command-line() normal-top-level() Test racket-tests/repl condition: (ert-test-failed ((should (racket-tests/see-back expected)) :form (racket-tests/see-back "(cond [(values 1) #t] [else #f])\n#t\n> ") :value nil :explanation(actual . "; \n; Welcome to Racket v8.7 [cs].\n; \n> current-output-port\n#<procedure:current-output-port>\n> (if 1\n 2\n 3)\n2\n> (cond [(values 1) #t] [else #f])\n#t\n> (cond [(values 1) #t] [else #f])\n#t\n> (cond [(values 1) #t] [else #f])\n")))
FAILED 10/12 racket-tests/repl (15.518214 sec) racket-tests/run run: current-repl-msg-chan was #f; current-session-id=#f Test racket-tests/run backtrace: signal(ert-test-failed (((should (racket-tests/see-back (concat "\n" ert-fail(((should (racket-tests/see-back (concat "\n" name "> "))) : (if (unwind-protect (setq value-72 (apply fn-70 args-71)) (setq form (let (form-description-74) (if (unwind-protect (setq value-72 (apply (let ((value-72 'ert-form-evaluation-aborted-73)) (let (form-descrip (let* ((fn-70 #'racket-tests/see-back) (args-71 (condition-case err (closure ((code . "#lang racket/base\n(define foobar 42)\nfoobar\n") racket--call-with-repl-buffer((closure ((code . "#lang racket/base\n (let* ((path (make-temp-file "test" nil ".rkt")) (name (file-name-no (closure (t) nil (let* ((path (make-temp-file "test" nil ".rkt")) (n funcall((closure (t) nil (let* ((path (make-temp-file "test" nil ".r (unwind-protect (funcall thunk) (racket-stop-back-end)) (let ((racket-command-timeout racket-tests/timeout)) (unwind-protect racket-tests/call-with-back-end-settings((closure (t) nil (let* ((pa (let ((lexical-binding t)) (message "racket-tests/run") (racket-test (closure (t) nil (let ((lexical-binding t)) (message "racket-tests/r ert--run-test-internal(#s(ert--test-execution-info :test #s(ert-test ert-run-test(#s(ert-test :name racket-tests/run :documentation "Star ert-run-or-rerun-test(#s(ert--stats :selector t :tests ... :test-map ert-run-tests(t #f(compiled-function (event-type &rest event-args) # ert-run-tests-batch(nil) ert-run-tests-batch-and-exit() command-line-1(("-l" "package" "--eval" "(add-to-list 'package-direc command-line() normal-top-level() Test racket-tests/run condition: (ert-test-failed ((should (racket-tests/see-back (concat "\n" name "> "))) :form (racket-tests/see-back "\ntestSs2VFw.rkt> ") :value nil :explanation(actual . "; \n; Welcome to Racket v8.7 [cs].\n; \n> current-output-port\n#<procedure:current-output-port>\n> (if 1\n 2\n 3)\n2\n> (cond [(values 1) #t] [else #f])\n#t\n> (cond [(values 1) #t] [else #f])\n#t\n> \nProcess *Racket REPL* connection broken by remote peer\n(cond [(values 1) #t] [else #f])\n")))
FAILED 11/12 racket-tests/run (10.002588 sec)
Description: OpenPGP digital signature