Control: reassign -1 rsyslog

On Sun, Feb 05, 2023 at 12:54:03PM +0000, Debian Bug Tracking System wrote:
> Processing commands for
> Bug #1028388 [orphan-init-scripts] Please restore the init script for 
> ad-hocery, tests, etc.
> Warning: Unknown package 'orphan-init-scripts'
> Bug reassigned from package 'orphan-init-scripts' to 
> 'orphan-sysvinit-scripts'.
> Ignoring request to alter found versions of bug #1028388 to the same values 
> previously set
> Ignoring request to alter fixed versions of bug #1028388 to the same values 
> previously set
> > thanks
> Stopping processing here.
That's not helpful.  The bug is not "please implement an init script",
it's "please restore it in the package that ships the daemon".

The o-s-s package has an implementation that works in the _usual_ cases.
But here we have at least two legitimate but less widespread uses:
 * running the daemon by hand / initless (Ian)
 * a preinstalled system by mavens from Oracle Cloud (which is as solid as
   its name suggests) that I tried to sanitize but apparently missed
and that's just a tiny slice of things that Debian users do.

Ie, despite all the efforts, the o-s-s machinery fails in some corner cases,
and it appears it's either not possible to make it handle such cases or it'd
require ideas that elude us at the moment (do you have a suggestion?).  All
of which can be trivially fixed by just statically shipping the init script
in the daemon package just like everything but a few daemon packages in
Debian do.

While, per the GR, init script support is "only" a "should" rather than
"must", here we have:
 * a very prominent package
 * ... that, according to your words, is redundant on systemd
 * ... but is vital for everyone else
 * had an init script for 1½ decades -- which is not known to have regressed
 * there's no dearth of users+DDs who test and provide patches
 * it's not easy to "explore alternatives" without basic logging

Ie, expectations are different for a core package than for some random
doodad, and here you're doing a disservice to the majority of remaining
users when the package is no longer installed by default on systemd.

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