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On 26-02-2005 14:33, Niko Tyni wrote:
> Jonas Smedegaard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>Could someone please check if the problem persist even with the newer
>>And if the problem does persist, could someone post a test case that I
>>can provide upstream?
> Hi,
> the problem is present in 1.0.3-2 too.
> I'm attaching a test script that demonstrates the problem AIUI.
> When run on a plain text file that contains a ':0:' in the
> beginning of the line, it outputs an error:
> % cat a
> :0:
> kalimantan% ./test-uu.pl a
> a: 1 parts
> Decoding part 0
> decode: Invalid argument ('File I/O Error') at ./test-uu.pl line 16.
> If the file does not match this, no encoded parts are found:
> kalimantan% cat b
>  :0:
> kalimantan% ./test-uu.pl b
> b: 0 parts
> Upstream 1.0.4 is an improvement: if survives the above, but fails if
> there's the string "\n\n:0:" in the middle of the file, which is still
> quite possible in the original scenario (mail including a procmail
> recipe.)
> I'm not very familiar with uulib, but I guess this bug could be
> considered a feature. It looks to me like the decode() function returns
> an error message where appropriate, so the question is how well the
> scan in LoadFile() should recognize encoded contents. This is probably
> a matter of taste. But that's for upstream to decide, of course.
thanks alot for your investigation!

I will make upstream aware, and upgrade to latest upstream version.

 - Jonas

- --
* Jonas Smedegaard - idealist og Internet-arkitekt
* Tlf.: +45 40843136  Website: http://dr.jones.dk/

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