Control: tags -1 + upstream wontfix Additionally, there is historical precedent since V7 UNIX (and a little-known "BSD" system that derives from it) for echo -n, so the dash minimalness argument also doesn't hold, since the minimal thing is to not touch it.
Similarly, PWB/CB-UNIX/SysIII echo exists as printf %b ("XSI" is a stand-in for "alas, SysIII-and-friends do this and we ratified it when the standard was just XPG/SUS"), and the standard encourages you to Not Use echo at all ‒ if there's backslash-escapes they /may/ get intepreted too! For echo use printf %s\n, for echo -n use printf %s, for SysIII-style echo-with-escapes use printf %b\n (or convert to a native printf expression). The only thing echo makes sense for is to Just Write A New-Line if you don't give it arguments, and even then… наб
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