Hi Carsten,
On 2022-12-06 07:05, Carsten Schoenert wrote:
Hello Claudius, hello Tristan,
I'd like to ask if there are some more major issues outstanding to get
python-cryptography updated to a recent version as we are getting cloder
to the first freeze date of the bookworm release.
What is the status for this wishlist bug report?
I think it's quite important to get really recent versions ready for the
bookworm release, especially in the segement of cryptography.
Is there something a required update would need some help?
python-cryptography depends on the rust packages pyo3 and asn1, which
both are now in unstable. However they have autopkgtest issues and are
stuck there for now. For asn1 I fixed those:
So this is currently waiting for a sponsor.
For pyo3 I also fixed them here:
Those changes need to be reviewed, merged and then uploaded.
Am Fri, Jul 29, 2022 at 10:07:04AM -0400 schrieb Alex Gaynor:
As one of the maintainers of pyca/cryptography, I'm strongly in favor
of upgrading. Older releases do not receive support (including
security fixes) from the maintainers. And in the past few releases
we've added many new features, support for more strong cryptographic
algorithms, and significantly improved performance.
Regrads and thanks!