Control: tags -1 + patch

Hi Sébastien,

orthanc-dicomweb is currently affected by a failure to build
from source (Bug#1023738).  I took the liberty to have a look,
and it seems that since axios 1.0 the dist/ file is not
provided anymore.  This is causing the following cmake error:

        CMake Error at debian/ThirdPartyDownloads/JavaScriptLibraries.cmake:29 
          file COPY_FILE failed to copy

Scanning through the source code, I noticed that
file was not used anywhere (only mention is in a cmake file
which is patched out in Debian context).  When removing the
reference this way, I got the package to build again:

--- a/debian/ThirdPartyDownloads/JavaScriptLibraries.cmake
+++ b/debian/ThirdPartyDownloads/JavaScriptLibraries.cmake
@@ -26,11 +26,6 @@ file(COPY_FILE
-  /usr/share/nodejs/axios/dist/
-  )

Since my knowledge of the nodejs ecosystem is near zero, I'd
rather ask: would such change look sound or do you foresee any
adverse effects?

In hope this helps,
  .''`.  Étienne Mollier <>
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   `-    on air: Haken - Bound By Gravity

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