The reporting 6th disk twice is caused by an off by one in procinfo.c. It will also cause the 3rd disk of a kernel 2.4 system to be reported twice. This patch should be applied after all the other debian patches. I haven't tested it. I don't have the multiples of ten problem.

--- procinfo.c  2006-05-10 12:16:49.272558317 -0700
+++ procinfo.patched.c  2006-05-10 12:32:26.775089132 -0700
@@ -479,9 +479,9 @@
            hms (bDIFF (cpu_idle)), perc (bDIFF (cpu_idle), elapsed, nr_cpus));
     printf ("  swap out:%9lu", bDIFF (swout));
     if (havetwosix)
-        lastdisk = 5;
+        lastdisk = 6;
-        lastdisk = 2;
+        lastdisk = 3;
     if (new.disk_r[lastdisk])
        printf ("  disk %d: %8lur%8luw\n", lastdisk+1, bDIFF (disk_r[lastdisk]),
                bDIFF (disk_w[lastdisk]));

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