* Antoine Beaupré [Mon Oct 03, 2022 at 12:28:06PM -0400]:
> On 2022-10-03 18:21:46, Michael Prokop wrote:
> > AFAICT (thanks to our daily Grml ISO builds) this RC bug caused
> > puppet to get removed from Debian/testing, so unless this gets fixed
> > we won't have puppet in bookworm? Is anyone taking care of this?
> Puppet 5 has been EOL for years. It's a good thing it's gone from
> bookworm, and a deliberate act on part of the Puppet package
> maintainers.

ACK :)

> We've packaged puppet-agent 7 and uploaded to unstable, it should
> trickle down in bookworm in a day or two if all goes well.

Oh, that's great news! :)

> We're working on packaging puppetserver 7. You can follow that work and
> more here:
> https://wiki.debian.org/Teams/Puppet/Work

Thanks, both for your fast response as well as working on the puppet
packaging! \o/


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