Hi Evgeny,

On 2022-09-29 18:18, Evgeny Posenitskiy wrote:
> Thank you for the prompt and detailed reply!

Thanks for prompt action! I will omit parts of your reply that are done.

>> 3. I see your debian/copyright is very detailed. This is not a
>> disadvantage, but maintaining such level of details takes much time. For
>> your package it might be enough to just have the following:
> In the past, I followed the debmake manual from the Debian website
> (https://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/debmake-doc/ch08.en.html#autotools-single)
> and the detailed copyright file was produced somewhere along the way.

Don't get me wrong, detailed is usually better than not. However, very
detailed debian/copyright might be difficult to maintain moving forward.
I almost never mention autoconf-generated files in debian/copyright.

> I applied your changes, so now there is the BSD-3 license on all files
> except the ax_lib_hdf5.m4 and ax_pkg_swig.n4 macros which I copied from
> the Autoconf archive. If you think that these licences can be removed
> too - please let me know and I will do it.

Thanks, I think debian/copyright is fine as is now.

>> In fact, it might be good to exclude them from the distribution tarball
>> altogether as they are regenerated from source anyway.
> The Autoconf files were placed in the tarball automatically, I have not
> written any additional macros for that.
> In general, I trust Autotools when it comes to the distribution tarballs.
> However, if you think that Autoconf-generated files should be removed -
> please let me know.

Right. Since autoconf-generated files are removed and regenerated during
build, a cleanroom approach of dropping them from the tarball looks
tempting to me. To do so, one can introduce Files-Excluded stanza in
debian/copyright to have these files excluded. But this is not
mandatory, your package is fine as it is now.

Some additional comments after building your package:

4. lintian errors about source-is-missing for HTML files. If these files
are not generated from some precursor inputs, then this warning is false
positive and should be silenced using lintian override. You may take [1]
for example. If these files are generated, then it would be better to
exclude them from the tarball and regenerate during build.

5. lintian warns about extended-description-contains-empty-paragraph.
This means you should remove the initial description line which consists
of a single '.' (for both binary packages)

6. Since you are willing to team-maintain the package in Debichem,
debian/control has to show it in Maintainer and Uploaders fields. You
may look at [2].

7. Vcs-* fields in debian/control should point to correct URLs on salsa.

8. In debian/changelog: UNRELEASED -> unstable

And that's about it. Having these issues fixed, the package can be uploaded.

[2] https://sources.debian.org/src/promod3/3.2.1%2Bds-5/debian/control/


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