Control: severity -1 wontfix

Hello again, wrote on 26/09/2022:
> Package: stterm
> Version: 0.8.4-1
> Severity: normal
> Dear Maintainer,
> *** Reporter, please consider answering these questions, where appropriate ***
> * What led up to the situation?
> I wanted to scroll back in the terminal console.
> It is something that doesn't come by default in st/stterm but there is an 
> official patch by upstream called scrollback as well as an utility called 
> scroll which is experimental to add this funcionality.
> However, a current Debian GNU/Linux maintainer is not interested in providing 
> the patch for it.

I'm aware of the patch (I even contributed to it, see [1]), but I
confirm that the stterm package aims at packaging st as released
upstream, with no patches.

Note that the patch is not "official": like the others listed at [2] it
only happens to be hosted on the st website.

I suggest filing a bug against the suckless-tools package requesting the
inclusion of 'scroll', however note that [3] still says

  At the moment it is in an experimental state.
  Its not recommended for productive use.

so the suckless-tools maintainer may object.

(The standard upstream suggestion for scrolling back with st is using a
terminal multiplexer, see the FAQ file included with the package.)

I hope this helps.



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