Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: John Goerzen <>

* Package name    : filespooler
  Version         : 1.2.1
  Upstream Author : John Goerzen <>
* URL             :
* License         : GPL
  Programming Lang: Rust
  Description     : Sequential, Distributed, POSIX-Style Job Queues

 Filespooler is a Unix-style tool that facilitates local or remote command
 execution, complete with stdin capture, with easy integration with various
 tools.  Filespooler's capabilities:
 It can easily use tools such as S3, Dropbox, Syncthing, NNCP, ssh, UUCP, USB
 drives, CDs, etc., or pipes as transport.  Basically anything that's a
 filesystem or a pipe can be a transport.
 It can use arbitrary decoder command pipelines (eg, zcat, stdcat, gpg, age,
 etc) to pre-process stored packets.
 Its storage format is simple on-disk files with locking.
 It supports one-to-one and one-to-many configurations.
 Locking is unnecessary when writing new jobs to the queue, and many arbitrary
 tools (eg, Syncthing, Dropbox, etc) can safely write directly to the queue
 without any assistance.
 Queue processing is (by default) strictly ordered based on the order on the
 creation machine, even if job files are delivered out of order to the
 stdin can be piped into the job creation tool, and piped to a later executor at
 process time on a remote machine.
 The file format is lightweight; less than 100 bytes overhead unless large extra
 parameters are given.
 The queue format is lightweight; having 1000 different queues on a Raspberry Pi
 would be easy.
 Processing is stream-based throughout; arbitrarily-large packets are fine and
 sizes in the TB range are no problem.
 The Filespooler command, fspl, is extremely lightweight, consuming less than
 10MB of RAM on x86_64.
 Filespooler has extensive documentation.
 This package contains the command-line tool (fspl) for interacting with queues.

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