On Thu, Jun 09, 2022 at 11:54:46AM +0200, Ansgar wrote:
>On Thu, 2022-06-09 at 10:37 +0100, Steve McIntyre wrote:
>> My feeling is that *this* piece is looking uncontroversial - we don't
>> need to block on a GR for this. I'm going to continue to push for a GR
>> to make the *downstream* decision, i.e. what to do with our images.
>Okay, I think I would be fine with adding non-free-firmware then. I
>once proposed doing so in the past after all 😺


>> As a side issue: I know that pabs is keen on the idea of having things
>> appear in both non-free *and* non-free-firmware, but I'm not so
>> convinced. How much pain is that likely to cause for ftpmaster and
>> dak? I know that debian-cd will need updates to cope with that, and I
>> suspect quite a lot of other software may as well.
>So currently dak gets confused a bit when packages move between
>main/contrib/non-free (during the time they exist in both places).
>pabs' proposal also includes the non-free-firmware files in
>pool/non-free (not pool/non-free-firmware or pool/non-free/firmware)
>which also differs from what we did previously and will likely confuse


>I would prefer having packages only appear in a single place. Though
>this would mean having to add non-free-firmware on existing systems at
>upgrade time and some people will forget to do that (similar to the
>xxx/updates → xxx-security change).

Right. There isn't a 100% good answer here, but I'd personally like to
avoid adding *more* special cases if we can.

Steve McIntyre, Cambridge, UK.                                st...@einval.com
"I've only once written 'SQL is my bitch' in a comment. But that code 
 is in use on a military site..." -- Simon Booth

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