Control: tags -1 + upstream fixed-upstream

Hi Patrik,

On Mo, 2021-03-08 at 13:25 +0100, Patrik Schindler wrote:
> libimvirt-perl would provide a convenient way to not depend on
> systemd at all.

I did not want it as a hard dependency.

> Here, it's installed automatically, because I use apt-dater, and apt-
> dater-host
> relies on libimvirt-perl. I suggest to use the code provided in
> /usr/bin/apt-dater-host if systemd-detect-virt can't be found. This
> is most
> likely the most easy solution. Of course, package-dependencies need
> to be
> updated also.

I've changed needrestart to try to use the ImVirt perl package if
systemd-detect-virt is not available. This will be part of the
upcomming needrestart 3.6.

@Patrick Could you add a recommend for `systemd|libimvirt-perl` ?

> Note: Systemd is *not* mandatory. Even for Debian 10 most "server"
> packages
> behave fine with SysVinit.

Full ACK. But, sadly, needrestart's daemon/user session detection works
best on systemd due to the cgroup naming schema. Sadly I'm not aware of
any other init system doing something similar.


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