Am Donnerstag, dem 14.04.2022 um 16:23 +0530 schrieb Utkarsh Gupta:
> Hi Emmanuel,
> We have bug #1008668 that's causing problems on the Ubuntu side and is
> also reproducible via the Debian package (essentially, it's the same
> in both places).

Hi Utkarsh,

I have been trying to reproduce this problem but on an up-to-date Debian system
running tomcat9 version 9.0.58-1 I cannot reproduce it. catalina.out is
truncated when I run 

        logrotate -f /etc/logrotate.d/tomcat9

The logrotate file changes the permissions to "su tomcat adm" which is
sufficient to operate on tomcat9 log files. I'm not familiar with the Ubuntu
differences when it comes to logrotate and rsyslogd but I suppose that is the
underlying issue here. It would be strange if we had to change the permissions
to syslog adm because other Debian packages also own log files with their
specific users and then does not cause any problems too.

Thus said I am not against fixing this for Ubuntu but the current approach
seems wrong to me.



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