Hi zhenwei pi,

* zhenwei pi <pizhen...@bytedance.com> [220414 03:39]:
> util-linux supports two new commands irqtop/lsirq since v2.36.
> The related release note: https://lwn.net/Articles/826866/
> The irqtop(from util-linux) command has better user experience:
>  - aggregate interrupt information seems clear on a morden server(128
>    CPUs or more).
>  - sort by several rules, include IRQ, TOTAL, DELTA and NAME.
>  - specify cpus in list format to monitor.
>  - specify output columns to print.
> The lsirq command supports:
>  - specify output columns to print.
>  - sort result.
>  - raw/json/KV format to show.

thanks for the reminder. For irqtop, I had some discussion with the
maintainer of the current irqtop package (CC'ed now). I cannot
remember if we came to a conclusion though. Axel, maybe you can
remind me...

lsirq - right, will probably put it into util-linux-extra soon. Or
do you think it should be part of the util-linux Essential API?


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