Hello scorpion2185,

thanks for your report. Please bear with me, as I am not the package
maintainer but just stumbled over this report.

On Sat, Mar 26, 2022 at 05:55:26PM +0100, realroot wrote:
> clementine doesn't start:
> -----------------
> clementine
> 17:53:14.456 WARN  unknown                          QSqlDatabase: QSQLITE 
> driver not loaded
> 17:53:14.456 WARN  unknown                          QSqlDatabase: available 
> drivers:
> [...]

Do you have the package "libqt5sql5-sqlite" installed? If not please
install it and retry.

This package normally is installed on KDE-based systems, but it seems
clementine is not explicitly forcing its installation via declaring a
Depends, so it could happen that this package is missing even though
clementine needs it.

@Thomas, I confirmed that clementine in current Bullseye behaves just
like reported if that package is missing, and the reported empty list of
available drivers indicates this is indeed the culprit. Once confirmed
by the submitter clementine will need to add an explicit Depends on that
package, both in Sid and in Bullseye (in Buster, too? I haven't checked

Best regards,

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