Hi Gabor,

You wrote:
> Working on build differences
> between upstream Git repo and tarball contents.

Those difference have resolved good enough for now.
I can now cleanly build from git.

The only lintian message I get is:
  W: msc-generator-dbgsym: elf-error In program
  headers: Unable to find program interpreter name

I agree with you that is bugreport #1000449
( https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=1000449 )

Also is -doc package generated. Again good work.

You mentioned (outside of this bugreport) something about "examples".
Should that be included in the first upload?  I tend to "non blocking,
let's upload".  Also because "perfect is the enemy of good".
Express your thoughts about.

* Add what you want to add.
* Do another (and final?) upload to 
* Notify me

Geert Stappers
Silence is hard to parse

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