Control: merge -1 997948

After deeper analysis, I think, I finally found the issue:
* doublecmd depends on lc-utils and pulls it.
* lcl-utils depends on fp-compiler and pulls fp-compiler-3.2.2
* fp-compiler-3.2.2 pulls fp-units-rtl-3.2.0
* doublecmd depends on lc-units and pulls lcl-units-2.0 version 2.0.10 compiled
with fpc 3.2.0
* lcl-units-2.0 pulls fp-units-rtl-3.2.0 which can coexist with fp-units-rtl-
3.2.0 therefore no error and both versions are installed.
* doublecmd needs unit ExtCtrls which is compiled with fp-units-rtl-3.2.0
(installed) but the used compiler can only use system unit from fp-units-rtl-
3.2.2 thus the issue we see.

Unfortunately, the only way to solve this is either to force using fp-compiler-
3.2.0 (non sense) or to force using a version of lcl-units-2.0 compiled with fp-
compiler-3.2.2 (Bug#997948).

Of course, even if Bug#997948 is solved, there will be always a time windows
where doublecmd can be scheduled for build while Lazarus is not yet built.
However this is a temporary situation that I won't solve.

I advise, then, to close this ticket and let Bug#997948 open.
Abou Al Montacir

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