Control: forwarded -1 Control: tags -1 fixed-upstream
Bob Friesenhahn wrote on Sat, Oct 24, 2015 at 12:11:42 -0500: > GraphicsMagick bug 322 has been opened at SourceForge to track this issue. And has been fixed in the meantime: [quoting] This ticket has been fixed by change set 307b3c38b372, dated 4/30/18. That changeset was first released in the upstream GraphicsMagick-1_3_30 tag (going by hg logs) and in version 1.3.29+hg15665-1 of the package (going by package version numbers in `debsnap --list`). However, upon converting the SVG file in the OP, I get "gm convert: invalid primitive argument (-0.000393701)" in both buster (1.4+really1.3.35-1~deb10u1) and current sid (1.4+really1.3.37-1). I'm not sure whether that's a different form of the same bug or a separate bug. Cheers, Daniel