Just an update, I can build tomboy-ng fine on ppc64le using the current
FPC and Lazarus direct from the FPC.   

I have pushed a new release of tomboy-ng up to my sponsor, Philipp and
it has pie hardening turned off for ppc64le, something I found
necessary and believe is worthy of further investigation.  

I have not tested using Sid/Bookworm Debian FPC and Lazarus as they are
in somewhat of a state of flux at present so, because of that, and the
PIE issue, will leave this ticket open for now. 

Just some notes relating to the things I mentioned previously -

On Sat, 2021-10-30 at 15:32 +1100, David Bannon wrote:
> 1. The debian package has some problem with the version numbers. It
> has

This problem is not unique to ppc64le, its in Bullesye on AMD64 too.
Does not prevent Lazarus from being used to build a preexisting app.

> 2. So, I built from source and the bigide version will not build due
> to

Problem seems to be limited to lhelp, other parts of Lazarus build fine
on ppc64le.  You can get by without lhelp but perhaps it needs to

I have not tried using the Lazarus IDE (ie in GUI mode) in this
iteration. Hard work over qemu ....


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