
On Sun, 2021-10-17 at 23:34 +0800, Yangfl wrote:
> Package: open-iscsi
> Version: 2.1.4-2
> Hi,
> After installing open-iscsi without modifying any configuration,
> iscsiadm can't do any discovery using `iscsiadm -m discovery -t
> sendtargets -p <host>`, which seemly caused by failure to start
> iscsid. Some log:

Was the daemon running at the time when you attempted the discovery  of
the targets ?

> After stopping those services `systemctl stop iscsid.service;
> systemctl stop iscsid.socket` and start iscsid manually, `iscsiadm -m
> discovery` successes as expected.

What do you mean by 'manually' ? Invoking the iscsid binary by hand ?

Ritesh Raj Sarraf | http://people.debian.org/~rrs
Debian - The Universal Operating System

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