> On 14/10/2021 18:45 Justin B Rye <justin.byam....@gmail.com> wrote:
> Oh, is this another one for my collection of packages where the prefix
> "n-" stands for "new thirty years ago"?

Yes, I'm afraid so.

> My suggestion:
> # de-archiver for !Spark archives
> #
> # nspark ("new spark") supports extracting files from Spark 1 and 2 or
> # ArcFS archives. It is a cross-platform rewrite of David Pilling's
> # original !Spark for RISC OS.
> (assuming I'm interpreting the manual correctly).

Thank you! I have gone for a tweaked version of that (from looking at the 
mentioned packages and the upstream docs) and uploaded it to mentors. Would you 
be able to upload it?

    Description: Unarchiver for Spark and ArcFS files
     nspark "New Spark unarchiver" supports extracting from Spark and ArcFS 
     which originate on RISC OS. It is a cross platform rewrite of David 
     original !Spark for RISC OS.

Here is the mentors stuff;

 * Package name    : nspark
   Version         : 1.7.8B2+git20210317.cb30779-2
   Upstream Author : https://github.com/mjwoodcock
 * URL             : https://github.com/mjwoodcock/nspark
 * License         : nspark
 * Vcs             : https://repo.or.cz/debian-nspark.git
   Section         : non-free/utils

It builds those binary packages:

  nspark - Unarchiver for Spark and ArcFS files

To access further information about this package, please visit the following 


Alternatively, one can download the package with dget using this command:

  dget -x 

Changes since the last upload:

 nspark (1.7.8B2+git20210317.cb30779-2) unstable; urgency=medium
   * Rewrite description (Closes: #996472)

Best regards,

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