On Tue, Oct 12, 2021 at 12:44 PM Linus Vanas <li...@vanas.fi> wrote: > I'm now hoping for the package and myself to be accepted into the > Debian Let's Encrypt Team.
Hello Linus -- welcome to the team! We'd love to have you maintain the dns-standalone plugin as part of the Let's Encrypt team. I've forked your packaging into the team repo so it has a formal place to live (https://salsa.debian.org/letsencrypt-team/certbot/certbot-dns-standalone) and granted you maintainer permissions on the repo. Jeroen has helped get your package up to snuff (thanks jcfp!), but there are a couple of things specific to the way we've been packaging modules for certbot that would be good to bring into alignment. First, take a peek at the way we manage dependencies in some of the other DNS plugins (certbot-dns-cloudflare is a good example, https://salsa.debian.org/letsencrypt-team/certbot/certbot-dns-cloudflare/-/blob/master/debian/control). We switched to using a virtual package ABI structure to help deal with breaking version changes around the time of the 1.0 release. dh-python can get a bit confused about install-time dependencies if there's not also a dep on the python3 library, so we put the abi packages as both build-dependencies and actual dependencies of the package. (You don't need to have a dependency on the acme ABI if your certbot dependency requires the same version). It looks like upstream's tests are bogus, so no sense in supporting those -- you did the right thing there. The only other thing is that we've been using pristine-tar. All you need to do for that is pass the `--pristine-tar` flag to gbp-import-orig when you import the new versions. Because reimporting it can be annoying, and git and pristine-tar can be... fiddly when you didn't start with it, so I took care of this version for you already. jcfp, do you want to close the loop and do the upload, since you've been working with Linus so far? Happy either way! Sincerely, -- Harlan Lieberman-Berg ~hlieberman