On Mon, 16 Aug 2021 07:46:49 +0100 Niko Tyni <nt...@debian.org> wrote:
> On Mon, Aug 16, 2021 at 12:11:26AM +0200, Marco d'Itri wrote:
> > I see no reason to move the usrmerge dependencies to perl-base: usrmerge
> > is supposed to be installed, run and then removed again.
> > If something is moved to perl-base then it will use space on every 
> > Debian system.
> My suggestion in #987615 (which I also copied to usrmerge@pdo, being
> unaware of #985957) is to introduce separate packages of the usrmerge
> dependencies, and limit their dependencies to perl-base only. This does
> not grow perl-base and can be phased out later, so it does not impose
> a permanent cost on everybody.

Seems to me, that simply vendoring the necessary perl modules in the
usrmerge package would be a better, simpler and more lightweight approach to
packaging those all invidually as separate packages.


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