Hi Ross,
Thanks for your reply!

I do believe the esr version has no wayland support at this moment. I've
checked at my workstation with AMD radeon graphics, the initial report was
made from a notebook with Intel graphics.
Here is the same problem, but I get  FF react after any window size change,
not only by the full screen trick.

Also i've checked the library versions

curl -s "https://www.enlightenment.org/download"; | grep
"EFL<\|Enlightenment<" | awk -F'[<>]' '{print $5, $11}'
EFL 1.25.1
Python-EFL 1.25.0
Enlightenment 0.24.2

aptitude search ~i~mpkg-e-devel ~ifirefox$ -F '%p %v'
enlightenment            0.24.2-8
enlightenment-data       0.24.2-8
firefox                  93.0-1
libecore-audio1          1.25.1-1
libecore-bin             1.25.1-1
libecore-con1            1.25.1-1
libecore-drm2-1          1.25.1-1
libecore-evas1           1.25.1-1
libecore-fb1             1.25.1-1
libecore-file1           1.25.1-1
libecore-imf1            1.25.1-1
libecore-input1          1.25.1-1
libecore-ipc1            1.25.1-1
libecore-wl2-1           1.25.1-1
libecore-x1              1.25.1-1
libecore1                1.25.1-1
libector1                1.25.1-1
libedje-bin              1.25.1-1
libedje1                 1.25.1-1
libeet1                  1.25.1-1
libeeze1                 1.25.1-1
libefreet-bin            1.25.1-1
libefreet1a              1.25.1-1
libeina1a                1.25.1-1
libeio1                  1.25.1-1
libelementary-bin        1.25.1-1
libelementary-data       1.25.1-1
libelementary1           1.25.1-1
libelput1                1.25.1-1
libembryo-bin            1.25.1-1
libembryo1               1.25.1-1
libemile1                1.25.1-1
libemotion1              1.25.1-1
libethumb-client-bin     1.25.1-1
libethumb-client1        1.25.1-1
libethumb1               1.25.1-1
libevas-loaders          1.25.1-1
libevas1                 1.25.1-1
libevas1-engines-drm     1.25.1-1
libevas1-engines-fb      1.25.1-1
libevas1-engines-wayland 1.25.1-1
libevas1-engines-x       1.25.1-1

Upstream usually suggests that if you want to use wayland, you should
> build from git.  So even though it's enabled in the packages, I'm not
> surprised to hear that it isn't usable.

Will try to build from git on weekend

Best regards

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