Quoting Phil Bellalouna (2021-10-06 01:44:20) > On Tue, Oct 5, 2021 at 2:06 PM Jonas Smedegaard <jo...@jones.dk> > wrote: > > Quoting Phil Bellalouna (2021-08-17 05:10:24) > > > * Package name : opensmalltalk-vm > > > Version : 1.0 > > > Upstream Author : squeak.org > > > * URL : https://github.com/OpenSmalltalk/opensmalltalk-vm > > > * License : MIT > > > Programming Lang: Smalltalk, C > > > Description : High performance virtual machine for Smalltalk > > > > > > (this is part of the Squeak project https://squeak.org) > > > > > [...] > > > > First of all, sorry for the late reply! > > > > No worries. Your timing is actually just about perfect as we have > some things nearly ready to go and some administrative decisions will > need to be made.
Phew! I worried if my/our silence had discouraged you too much. > > I am quite happy to help maintain opensmalltalk-vm. I have tried > > several times wrap my head around it but failed so far, so I am very > > pleased that you are reaching out and want to do this > > collaboratively. > > > > That's great to hear. There's nothing terribly complicated about it, > but some of the approach and conventions adopted predate modern open > source by a couple of decades. So it can tend to look a bit alien if > you're not used to it. Hopefully I can fill in any gaps and generally > help you make sense of it. > > > > I suggest that we use the Sugar team as platform for this package - > > just because it exists already, has very low activity, and is > > somewhat related (although if I understand correctly > > opensmalltalk-vm is not usable with EToys which is the only > > Smalltalk piece in Sugar. > > > > That works for me. That is correct, opensmalltalk-vm will not > (directly) support EToys or Scratch which is part of why we also want > to keep (and still maintain upstream) the squeak-vm package. One of > the things I've been working on is for multiple VMs to co-exist > side-by-side to enable simultaneously running old and new images which > we can discuss in more detail as we get into it. Sounds good - both parts. > > If that's ok with you (and if you are still around and interested, > > after this much silence on my part) then please create an account at > > Salsa and request membership in the Sugar team - as that's how you > > can have write access to our git repos there. More info on that at > > https://wiki.debian.org/Sugar#Development and more generally at > > https://wiki.debian.org/Salsa > > > I've registered at Salsa but am getting a message: 'You have signed up > successfully. However, we could not sign you in because your account > is awaiting approval from your GitLab administrator.' So I guess I'm > waiting for someone to review and approve the registration? I agree: Give it some days, and if still not working shout out - then I can try nuddge some folks e.g. via irc. > > You might also want to register at the Sugar mailinglist, to receive > > the emails related to the packaging work. > > I'm still subscribed the pkg-sugar-dev mailing list so assuming that's > the list you mean, we should be good to go there. Yes, that's what I meant. I've dropped you as direct cc on this mail now: Posting style for Debian lists is to only cc when explicitly requested: https://www.debian.org/MailingLists/#codeofconduct Looking forward to collaborate with you, - Jonas -- * Jonas Smedegaard - idealist & Internet-arkitekt * Tlf.: +45 40843136 Website: http://dr.jones.dk/ [x] quote me freely [ ] ask before reusing [ ] keep private
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