On Wed, 15 Sep 2021 at 01:36:26 +0300, Adrian Bunk wrote:
> 5. Programs in debianutils must not be moved to /usr unless there is
>    project-wide consensus on packages doing such a move, and premature
>    moving must be reverted.

This part touches on an issue we are looking at in parallel to this
(#994388: more specific advice on merged-/usr).

I don't think it's a problem that there is an overlap between the two
tech-ctte bugs, because in #994275 you're asking for a maintainer to be
overruled, whereas in #994388 I am only asking for the technical committee
to offer advice; we should vote on those separately. Obviously it would
be unhelpful if the way in which we overruled or declined to overrule the
debianutils maintainer was inconsistent with our advice to the project as
a whole, so we need to be consistent, but that shouldn't be a problem :-)

I personally think we should have a moratorium on moving the logical
location of files from the directories affected by merged-/usr into /usr,
at least until we fully understand the implications, and perhaps for as
long as the whole Debian 12 development cycle.


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