Dear ImageMagick Packaging Team,

Short version: is it safe today to reenable PDF/PS conversion again these days?

Long version:

Today I was affected by the problem reported in [1], notably:

    convert: attempt to perform an operation not allowed by the security
    policy `PDF' @ error/constitute.c/IsCoderAuthorized/408.

When I check /etc/ImageMagick-6/policy.xml I see that plenty of conversions to/from (?) PDF/(E)PS* are apparently disabled by default as delivered by Debian. Which actually covers part of the requests in this (#907336) bugreport.

The mentioned stackoverflow Q&A however mentions that:

Make sure ghostscript is updated

Which refers to a fix in Ghostscript 9.24 which is ages ago when compared to the Ghostscript version 9.53 currently in Debian stable.

I have *zero* insight into the issues leading to PDF/PS conversion being disabled in Debian and if they still are relevant and still are of the same concern as they were at the times before Ghostscript 9.24.

Or posed differently: does it make sense to reevaluate these issues and - if it turns out they are of no concern any more today - could the respective converters be re-enabled by default again?

Thanks a lot for maintaining ImageMagick! Greetings,


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