30.08.2021 21:04, Günter Frenz wrote:

I can confirm this error, I get the same message in the logs for every
VM I try to start since the update to version 6.1
...> I removed the guest-agent channel from the VM-definition via
virt-manager, but I get the same message in the logs as with the
guest-agent channel.

Hello Günter! Thank you for stepping in.

This assertion failure appears for unix-domain sockets.
In your case the unix-domain socket seems to be the one
used for the qemu monitor, this one (from your config):

 -chardev socket,id=charmonitor,fd=30,server=on,wait=off \
 -mon chardev=charmonitor,id=monitor,mode=control \

so in order to verify this you'll need to reconfigure your
monitor to be something else, not the qga socket like
in the dann's case.

But I begin to have more doubts about this, maybe the
problem is elsewhere.

Can you please check if changing your qemu monitor to
something else will make any difference?

Thank you!


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