Package: telegram-desktop
Version: 2.6.1+ds-1
Severity: important
Tags: upstream patch
Control: fixed -1 2.9.0+ds-1

Telegram Desktop before 2.9.0 crashes when it sets auto-deleting timer
for more than 2147483 seconds (about 24 days 21 hours) due to
limitations of 32-bit the QTimer class. See

To reproduce the crash do the following:

   1. Start a dialog via Telegram Desktop of version 2.9.0 (currently
      available in experimental) with an account logged in Telegram
      Desktop of version 2.6.1.
   2. In recent app activate auto-deleting messages after 1 month. Click
      top-right menu in chat history -> Clear history -> Edit Auto-
      Delete Settings.
   3. Send any message to the chat. (Either from v2.9.0 or v2.6.1, it
      doesn't matter).
   4. Older client will crash and then will be unable to start.

The patch that should fix the issue is attached.

(telegram_unstable_amd64)builder@barberry:/$ gdb -silent 
/usr/bin/telegram-desktop ~/.local/share/TelegramDesktop/core
Reading symbols from /usr/bin/telegram-desktop...
Reading symbols from 

warning: Can't open file /memfd:xorg (deleted) during file-backed mapping note 
[Thread debugging using libthread_db enabled]
Using host libthread_db library "/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/".
Core was generated by `/usr/bin/telegram-desktop'.
Program terminated with signal SIGABRT, Aborted.
#0  __GI_raise (sig=sig@entry=6) at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/raise.c:50
50      ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/raise.c: Нет такого файла или каталога.
[Current thread is 1 (Thread 0x7f0bd6810440 (LWP 1145803))]
(gdb) backtrace -full -frame-arguments all
#0  __GI_raise (sig=sig@entry=6) at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/raise.c:50
        set = {__val = {0, 94305413637653, 75, 0, 94305470796912, 
139688959463605, 94305470796896, 139688960043168, 94305470835512, 0, 0, 74, 
94305470796864, 74, 94305470796832, 94305470796896}}
        pid = <optimized out>
        tid = <optimized out>
#1  0x00007f0bde947537 in __GI_abort () at abort.c:79
        save_stage = 1
        act = {__sigaction_handler = {sa_handler = 0x7ffe09351a98, sa_sigaction 
= 0x7ffe09351a98}, sa_mask = {__val = {140729052895912, 140729052895888, 
94305418837024, 139637976727552, 94305459499856, 8, 94305470723392, 
94305470796784, 94305454601584, 94305454601312, 94305470688704, 94305470774928, 
4187885076511576576, 94305445716800, 94305459519032, 9}}, sa_flags = 1, 
sa_restorer = 0x9fa03260}
        sigs = {__val = {32, 0 <repeats 15 times>}}
#2  0x000055c52fac1f1c in base::assertion::fail(char const*, char const*, int) 
(message=message@entry=0x55c531e964b8 "\"timeout >= 0 && timeout <= 
std::numeric_limits<int>::max()\"", file=file@entry=0x55c531e96d61 "timer.cpp", 
line=line@entry=101) at ./Telegram/lib_base/base/assertion.h:34
        nullptr_value = 0x0
#3  0x000055c530fe19fc in base::Timer::setTimeout(long) (this=<optimized out>, 
timeout=<optimized out>) at ./Telegram/lib_base/base/timer.cpp:101
#4  base::Timer::setTimeout(long) (this=<optimized out>, timeout=<optimized 
out>) at ./Telegram/lib_base/base/timer.cpp:100
#5  0x000055c530fe1a3f in base::Timer::start(long, Qt::TimerType, 
base::Timer::Repeat) (this=0x55c5336a3e38, timeout=2678076000, type=<optimized 
out>, repeat=<optimized out>) at ./Telegram/lib_base/base/timer.cpp:59
#6  0x000055c5303e69c3 in 
HistoryMessage::HistoryMessage(gsl::not_null<History*>, MTPDmessage const&, 
base::flags<MTPDmessage_ClientFlag>) (this=0x55c53369f350, history={ptr_ = 
0x55c533273440}, data=@0x55c5341338a0: {<tl::details::type_data> = 
{_vptr.type_data = 0x55c5328ebf40 <vtable for MTPDmessage+16>, _counter = 
{<QAtomicInteger<int>> = {<QBasicAtomicInteger<int>> = {_q_value = 
{<std::__atomic_base<int>> = {static _S_alignment = 4, _M_i = 1}, static 
is_always_lock_free = true}}, <No data fields>}, <No data fields>}}, _flags = 
{v = {_value = 33554690}}, _id = {v = 6}, _from_id = {<MTPpeer> = 
{<tl::details::type_owner> = {_data = 0x55c534123350}, _type = 2645671021}, <No 
data fields>}, _peer_id = {<MTPpeer> = {<tl::details::type_owner> = {_data = 
0x55c533725bd0}, _type = 2645671021}, <No data fields>}, _fwd_from = 
{<MTPmessageFwdHeader> = {<tl::details::type_owner> = {_data = 0x55c53416e3a0}, 
<No data fields>}, <No data fields>}, _via_bot_id = {v = 0}, _reply_to = 
{<MTPmessageReplyHeader> = {<tl::details::type_owner> = {_data = 
0x55c53369f020}, <No data fields>}, <No data fields>}, _date = {v = 
1628143694}, _message = {v = "1" = {[0] = 49 '1'}}, _media = {<MTPmessageMedia> 
= {<tl::details::type_owner> = {_data = 0x0}, _type = 0}, <No data fields>}, 
_reply_markup = {<MTPreplyMarkup> = {<tl::details::type_owner> = {_data = 0x0}, 
_type = 0}, <No data fields>}, _entities = 
{<tl::vector_type<tl::boxed<MTPmessageEntity> >> = {v = QVector<class 
tl::boxed<MTPmessageEntity>> (size = 0)}, <No data fields>}, _views = {v = 0}, 
_forwards = {v = 0}, _replies = {<MTPmessageReplies> = 
{<tl::details::type_owner> = {_data = 0x55c5341433b0}, <No data fields>}, <No 
data fields>}, _edit_date = {v = 0}, _post_author = {v = 
<QArrayData::shared_null+24> ""}, _grouped_id = {v = 0}, _restriction_reason = 
{<tl::vector_type<tl::boxed<MTPrestrictionReason> >> = {v = QVector<class 
tl::boxed<MTPrestrictionReason>> (size = 0)}, <No data fields>}, _ttl_period = 
{v = 2678400}}, clientFlags={_value = <optimized out>}) at 
        config = {replyToPeer = 0, replyTo = 0, replyToTop = 0, viaBotId = 0, 
viewsCount = -1, author = "", senderOriginal = 0, senderNameOriginal = "", 
forwardPsaType = "", originalId = 0, savedFromPeer = 0, savedFromMsgId = 0, 
authorOriginal = "", originalDate = 0, editDate = 0, imported = false, 
mtpReplies = 0x0, mtpMarkup = 0x0, inlineMarkup = 0x0}
        textWithEntities = {text = "1", entities = QList<class EntityInText> 
(size = 0)}
#7  0x000055c5303b540a in std::make_unique<HistoryMessage, History*, 
MTPDmessage const&, base::flags<MTPDmessage_ClientFlag>&>(History*&&, 
MTPDmessage const&, base::flags<MTPDmessage_ClientFlag>&) () at 
        media = {_value = <optimized out>}
        checked = <optimized out>
#8  History::makeMessage<MTPDmessage const&, 
base::flags<MTPDmessage_ClientFlag>&>(MTPDmessage const&, 
base::flags<MTPDmessage_ClientFlag>&) (this=0x55c533273440) at 
        media = {_value = <optimized out>}
        checked = <optimized out>
#9  operator() (data=@0x55c5341338a0: {<tl::details::type_data> = 
{_vptr.type_data = 0x55c5328ebf40 <vtable for MTPDmessage+16>, _counter = 
{<QAtomicInteger<int>> = {<QBasicAtomicInteger<int>> = {_q_value = 
{<std::__atomic_base<int>> = {static _S_alignment = 4, _M_i = 1}, static 
is_always_lock_free = true}}, <No data fields>}, <No data fields>}}, _flags = 
{v = {_value = 33554690}}, _id = {v = 6}, _from_id = {<MTPpeer> = 
{<tl::details::type_owner> = {_data = 0x55c534123350}, _type = 2645671021}, <No 
data fields>}, _peer_id = {<MTPpeer> = {<tl::details::type_owner> = {_data = 
0x55c533725bd0}, _type = 2645671021}, <No data fields>}, _fwd_from = 
{<MTPmessageFwdHeader> = {<tl::details::type_owner> = {_data = 0x55c53416e3a0}, 
<No data fields>}, <No data fields>}, _via_bot_id = {v = 0}, _reply_to = 
{<MTPmessageReplyHeader> = {<tl::details::type_owner> = {_data = 
0x55c53369f020}, <No data fields>}, <No data fields>}, _date = {v = 
1628143694}, _message = {v = "1" = {[0] = 49 '1'}}, _media = {<MTPmessageMedia> 
= {<tl::details::type_owner> = {_data = 0x0}, _type = 0}, <No data fields>}, 
_reply_markup = {<MTPreplyMarkup> = {<tl::details::type_owner> = {_data = 0x0}, 
_type = 0}, <No data fields>}, _entities = 
{<tl::vector_type<tl::boxed<MTPmessageEntity> >> = {v = QVector<class 
tl::boxed<MTPmessageEntity>> (size = 0)}, <No data fields>}, _views = {v = 0}, 
_forwards = {v = 0}, _replies = {<MTPmessageReplies> = 
{<tl::details::type_owner> = {_data = 0x55c5341433b0}, <No data fields>}, <No 
data fields>}, _edit_date = {v = 0}, _post_author = {v = 
<QArrayData::shared_null+24> ""}, _grouped_id = {v = 0}, _restriction_reason = 
{<tl::vector_type<tl::boxed<MTPrestrictionReason> >> = {v = QVector<class 
tl::boxed<MTPrestrictionReason>> (size = 0)}, <No data fields>}, _ttl_period = 
{v = 2678400}}, __closure=<optimized out>) at 
        media = {_value = <optimized out>}
        checked = <optimized out>
#10 base::match_method<const MTPDmessage&, 
HistoryItem::Create(gsl::not_null<History*>, const MTPMessage&, 
MTPDmessage_ClientFlags)::<lambda(const MTPDmessage&)>, 
HistoryItem::Create(gsl::not_null<History*>, const MTPMessage&, 
MTPDmessage_ClientFlags)::<lambda(const MTPDmessageService&)>, 
HistoryItem::Create(gsl::not_null<History*>, const MTPMessage&, 
MTPDmessage_ClientFlags)::<lambda(const MTPDmessageEmpty&)> > 
(method=<optimized out>, data=@0x55c5341338a0: {<tl::details::type_data> = 
{_vptr.type_data = 0x55c5328ebf40 <vtable for MTPDmessage+16>, _counter = 
{<QAtomicInteger<int>> = {<QBasicAtomicInteger<int>> = {_q_value = 
{<std::__atomic_base<int>> = {static _S_alignment = 4, _M_i = 1}, static 
is_always_lock_free = true}}, <No data fields>}, <No data fields>}}, _flags = 
{v = {_value = 33554690}}, _id = {v = 6}, _from_id = {<MTPpeer> = 
{<tl::details::type_owner> = {_data = 0x55c534123350}, _type = 2645671021}, <No 
data fields>}, _peer_id = {<MTPpeer> = {<tl::details::type_owner> = {_data = 
0x55c533725bd0}, _type = 2645671021}, <No data fields>}, _fwd_from = 
{<MTPmessageFwdHeader> = {<tl::details::type_owner> = {_data = 0x55c53416e3a0}, 
<No data fields>}, <No data fields>}, _via_bot_id = {v = 0}, _reply_to = 
{<MTPmessageReplyHeader> = {<tl::details::type_owner> = {_data = 
0x55c53369f020}, <No data fields>}, <No data fields>}, _date = {v = 
1628143694}, _message = {v = "1" = {[0] = 49 '1'}}, _media = {<MTPmessageMedia> 
= {<tl::details::type_owner> = {_data = 0x0}, _type = 0}, <No data fields>}, 
_reply_markup = {<MTPreplyMarkup> = {<tl::details::type_owner> = {_data = 0x0}, 
_type = 0}, <No data fields>}, _entities = 
{<tl::vector_type<tl::boxed<MTPmessageEntity> >> = {v = QVector<class 
tl::boxed<MTPmessageEntity>> (size = 0)}, <No data fields>}, _views = {v = 0}, 
_forwards = {v = 0}, _replies = {<MTPmessageReplies> = 
{<tl::details::type_owner> = {_data = 0x55c5341433b0}, <No data fields>}, <No 
data fields>}, _edit_date = {v = 0}, _post_author = {v = 
<QArrayData::shared_null+24> ""}, _grouped_id = {v = 0}, _restriction_reason = 
{<tl::vector_type<tl::boxed<MTPrestrictionReason> >> = {v = QVector<class 
tl::boxed<MTPrestrictionReason>> (size = 0)}, <No data fields>}, _ttl_period = 
{v = 2678400}}) at ./Telegram/lib_base/base/match_method.h:20
#11 MTPmessage::match<HistoryItem::Create(gsl::not_null<History*>, const 
MTPMessage&, MTPDmessage_ClientFlags)::<lambda(const MTPDmessage&)>, 
HistoryItem::Create(gsl::not_null<History*>, const MTPMessage&, 
MTPDmessage_ClientFlags)::<lambda(const MTPDmessageService&)>, 
HistoryItem::Create(gsl::not_null<History*>, const MTPMessage&, 
MTPDmessage_ClientFlags)::<lambda(const MTPDmessageEmpty&)> > 
(method=<optimized out>, this=<optimized out>) at 
#12 HistoryItem::Create(gsl::not_null<History*>, tl::boxed<MTPmessage> const&, 
base::flags<MTPDmessage_ClientFlag>) (history={ptr_ = 0x55c533273440}, 
message=@0x55c5336ad138: {<MTPmessage> = {<tl::details::type_owner> = {_data = 
0x55c5341338a0}, _type = 3169027026}, <No data fields>}, 
clientFlags=clientFlags@entry={_value = 0}) at 
#13 0x000055c53039a5dd in History::createItem(tl::boxed<MTPmessage> const&, 
base::flags<MTPDmessage_ClientFlag>, bool) (this=this@entry=0x55c533273440, 
message=@0x55c5336ad138: {<MTPmessage> = {<tl::details::type_owner> = {_data = 
0x55c5341338a0}, _type = 3169027026}, <No data fields>}, clientFlags={_value = 
0}, detachExistingItem=detachExistingItem@entry=false) at 
        messageId = 6
#14 0x000055c5303a53f7 in History::addNewMessage(tl::boxed<MTPmessage> const&, 
base::flags<MTPDmessage_ClientFlag>, NewMessageType) (this=0x55c533273440, 
msg=@0x55c5336ad138: {<MTPmessage> = {<tl::details::type_owner> = {_data = 
0x55c5341338a0}, _type = 3169027026}, <No data fields>}, clientFlags={_value = 
<optimized out>}, type=type@entry=NewMessageType::Last) at 
        detachExistingItem = false
        item = <optimized out>
        unread = <optimized out>
#15 0x000055c5300cd92a in Data::Session::addNewMessage(tl::boxed<MTPmessage> 
const&, base::flags<MTPDmessage_ClientFlag>, NewMessageType) 
(this=0x55c5336a3840, data=@0x55c5336ad138: {<MTPmessage> = 
{<tl::details::type_owner> = {_data = 0x55c5341338a0}, _type = 3169027026}, <No 
data fields>}, clientFlags={_value = 0}, type=NewMessageType::Last) at 
        peerId = <optimized out>
        result = <optimized out>
#16 0x000055c5300d65c0 in 
Data::Session::processMessages(QVector<tl::boxed<MTPmessage> > const&, 
NewMessageType) (this=0x55c5336a3840, data=QVector<class tl::boxed<MTPmessage>> 
(size = 2) = {[0] = {<MTPmessage> = {<tl::details::type_owner> = {_data = 
0x55c534155ea0}, _type = 3169027026}, <No data fields>}, [1] = {<MTPmessage> = 
{<tl::details::type_owner> = {_data = 0x55c5341338a0}, _type = 3169027026}, <No 
data fields>}}, type=NewMessageType::Last) at 
        __for_range = @0x7ffe09351e70: {<base::flat_multi_map<unsigned long 
long, int, std::less<void> >> = {_data = {<base::flat_multi_map<unsigned long 
long, int, std::less<void> >::transparent_compare> = {<std::less<void>> = {<No 
data fields>}, <No data fields>}, elements = std::vector of length 2, capacity 
2 = {{first = 25769803777, second = 1}, {first = 30064771072, second = 0}}}}, 
<No data fields>}
        position = <synthetic pointer>: <optimized out>
        index = <synthetic pointer>: <optimized out>
        indices = {<base::flat_multi_map<unsigned long long, int, 
std::less<void> >> = {_data = {<base::flat_multi_map<unsigned long long, int, 
std::less<void> >::transparent_compare> = {<std::less<void>> = {<No data 
fields>}, <No data fields>}, elements = std::vector of length 2, capacity 2 = 
{{first = 25769803777, second = 1}, {first = 30064771072, second = 0}}}}, <No 
data fields>}
#17 0x000055c5300e1355 in Data::Session::applyDialogs(Data::Folder*, 
QVector<tl::boxed<MTPmessage> > const&, QVector<tl::boxed<MTPdialog> > const&, 
std::optional<int>) (this=0x55c5336a3840, requestFolder=0x0, 
messages=<optimized out>, dialogs=QVector<class tl::boxed<MTPdialog>> (size = 
2) = {[0] = {<MTPdialog> = {<tl::details::type_owner> = {_data = 
0x55c53416da60}, _type = 739712882}, <No data fields>}, [1] = {<MTPdialog> = 
{<tl::details::type_owner> = {_data = 0x55c534168290}, _type = 739712882}, <No 
data fields>}}, count=std::optional<int> = {[contained value] = 2}) at 
#18 0x000055c530a9ab13 in operator()<MTPDmessages_dialogsSlice> 
(data=<optimized out>, __closure=<optimized out>) at 
        state = <optimized out>
        count = 2
#19 base::match_method<const MTPDmessages_dialogsSlice&, 
MTPmessages_Dialogs&)>::<lambda(const auto:120&)> > (method=<optimized out>, 
data=<optimized out>) at ./Telegram/lib_base/base/match_method.h:20
        state = <optimized out>
        count = 2
#20 base::match_method<const MTPDmessages_dialogsSlice&, 
MTPmessages_Dialogs&)>::<lambda(const MTPDmessages_dialogsNotModified&)>, 
MTPmessages_Dialogs&)>::<lambda(const auto:120&)> > (method=<optimized out>, 
data=<optimized out>) at ./Telegram/lib_base/base/match_method.h:22
        state = <optimized out>
        count = 2
 MTPmessages_Dialogs&)>::<lambda(const MTPDmessages_dialogsNotModified&)>, 
MTPmessages_Dialogs&)>::<lambda(const auto:120&)> > (method=<optimized out>, 
this=<optimized out>) at ./obj-x86_64-linux-gnu/Telegram/gen/scheme.h:42391
        state = <optimized out>
        count = 2
#22 operator() (result=<optimized out>, __closure=<optimized out>) at 
        state = <optimized out>
        count = 2
#23 std::__invoke_impl<void, 
MTPmessages_Dialogs&)>&, const tl::boxed<MTPmessages_dialogs>&> (__f=<optimized 
out>) at /usr/include/c++/10/bits/invoke.h:60
#24 std::__invoke_r<void, 
MTPmessages_Dialogs&)>&, const tl::boxed<MTPmessages_dialogs>&> 
(__fn=<optimized out>) at /usr/include/c++/10/bits/invoke.h:110
#25 std::_Function_handler<void(const tl::boxed<MTPmessages_dialogs>&), 
MTPmessages_Dialogs&)> >::_M_invoke(const std::_Any_data &, const 
tl::boxed<MTPmessages_dialogs> &) (__functor=@0x7ffe09351f70: {_M_unused = 
{_M_object = 0x0, _M_const_object = 0x0, _M_function_pointer = 0x0, 
_M_member_pointer = NULL}, _M_pod_data = 
"\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\300\377i3\305U\000"}, __args#0=<optimized 
out>) at /usr/include/c++/10/bits/std_function.h:291
#26 0x000055c530ac5082 in std::function<void (tl::boxed<MTPmessages_dialogs> 
const&)>::operator()(tl::boxed<MTPmessages_dialogs> const&) const 
(__args#0=@0x7ffe09351f60: {<MTPmessages_dialogs> = {<tl::details::type_owner> 
= {_data = 0x7f0b70015da0}, _type = 364538944}, <No data fields>}, 
this=0x7ffe09351f70) at /usr/include/c++/10/bits/std_function.h:248
        handler = {_impl = {<std::_Maybe_unary_or_binary_function<void, 
tl::boxed<MTPmessages_dialogs> const&>> = 
{<std::unary_function<tl::boxed<MTPmessages_dialogs> const&, void>> = {<No data 
fields>}, <No data fields>}, <std::_Function_base> = {static _M_max_size = 16, 
static _M_max_align = 8, _M_functor = {_M_unused = {_M_object = 0x0, 
_M_const_object = 0x0, _M_function_pointer = 0x0, _M_member_pointer = NULL}, 
_M_pod_data = "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\300\377i3\305U\000"}, 
_M_manager = 0x55c530a6ed00 <std::_Function_handler<void(const 
MTPmessages_Dialogs&)> >::_M_manager(std::_Any_data &, const std::_Any_data &, 
std::_Manager_operation)>}, _M_invoker = 0x55c530a9a920 
<std::_Function_handler<void(const tl::boxed<MTPmessages_dialogs>&), 
MTPmessages_Dialogs&)> >::_M_invoke(const std::_Any_data &, const 
tl::boxed<MTPmessages_dialogs> &)>}}
        result = {<MTPmessages_dialogs> = {<tl::details::type_owner> = {_data = 
0x7f0b70015da0}, _type = 364538944}, <No data fields>}
#27 base::unique_function<void (tl::boxed<MTPmessages_dialogs> 
const&)>::operator()(tl::boxed<MTPmessages_dialogs> const&) 
(args#0=@0x7ffe09351f60: {<MTPmessages_dialogs> = {<tl::details::type_owner> = 
{_data = 0x7f0b70015da0}, _type = 364538944}, <No data fields>}, 
this=0x7ffe09351f70) at ./Telegram/lib_base/base/unique_function.h:127
        handler = {_impl = {<std::_Maybe_unary_or_binary_function<void, 
tl::boxed<MTPmessages_dialogs> const&>> = 
{<std::unary_function<tl::boxed<MTPmessages_dialogs> const&, void>> = {<No data 
fields>}, <No data fields>}, <std::_Function_base> = {static _M_max_size = 16, 
static _M_max_align = 8, _M_functor = {_M_unused = {_M_object = 0x0, 
_M_const_object = 0x0, _M_function_pointer = 0x0, _M_member_pointer = NULL}, 
_M_pod_data = "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\300\377i3\305U\000"}, 
_M_manager = 0x55c530a6ed00 <std::_Function_handler<void(const 
MTPmessages_Dialogs&)> >::_M_manager(std::_Any_data &, const std::_Any_data &, 
std::_Manager_operation)>}, _M_invoker = 0x55c530a9a920 
<std::_Function_handler<void(const tl::boxed<MTPmessages_dialogs>&), 
MTPmessages_Dialogs&)> >::_M_invoke(const std::_Any_data &, const 
tl::boxed<MTPmessages_dialogs> &)>}}
        result = {<MTPmessages_dialogs> = {<tl::details::type_owner> = {_data = 
0x7f0b70015da0}, _type = 364538944}, <No data fields>}
#28 MTP::Sender::RequestBuilder::DonePlainPolicy<tl::boxed<MTPmessages_dialogs> 
>::handle(base::unique_function<void (tl::boxed<MTPmessages_dialogs> 
const&)>&&, int, tl::boxed<MTPmessages_dialogs>&&) (result=@0x7ffe09351f60: 
{<MTPmessages_dialogs> = {<tl::details::type_owner> = {_data = 0x7f0b70015da0}, 
_type = 364538944}, <No data fields>}, requestId=<optimized out>, 
handler=@0x7ffe09351f70: {_impl = {<std::_Maybe_unary_or_binary_function<void, 
tl::boxed<MTPmessages_dialogs> const&>> = 
{<std::unary_function<tl::boxed<MTPmessages_dialogs> const&, void>> = {<No data 
fields>}, <No data fields>}, <std::_Function_base> = {static _M_max_size = 16, 
static _M_max_align = 8, _M_functor = {_M_unused = {_M_object = 0x0, 
_M_const_object = 0x0, _M_function_pointer = 0x0, _M_member_pointer = NULL}, 
_M_pod_data = "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\300\377i3\305U\000"}, 
_M_manager = 0x55c530a6ed00 <std::_Function_handler<void(const 
MTPmessages_Dialogs&)> >::_M_manager(std::_Any_data &, const std::_Any_data &, 
std::_Manager_operation)>}, _M_invoker = 0x55c530a9a920 
<std::_Function_handler<void(const tl::boxed<MTPmessages_dialogs>&), 
MTPmessages_Dialogs&)> >::_M_invoke(const std::_Any_data &, const 
tl::boxed<MTPmessages_dialogs> &)>}}) at 
        handler = {_impl = {<std::_Maybe_unary_or_binary_function<void, 
tl::boxed<MTPmessages_dialogs> const&>> = 
{<std::unary_function<tl::boxed<MTPmessages_dialogs> const&, void>> = {<No data 
fields>}, <No data fields>}, <std::_Function_base> = {static _M_max_size = 16, 
static _M_max_align = 8, _M_functor = {_M_unused = {_M_object = 0x0, 
_M_const_object = 0x0, _M_function_pointer = 0x0, _M_member_pointer = NULL}, 
_M_pod_data = "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\300\377i3\305U\000"}, 
_M_manager = 0x55c530a6ed00 <std::_Function_handler<void(const 
MTPmessages_Dialogs&)> >::_M_manager(std::_Any_data &, const std::_Any_data &, 
std::_Manager_operation)>}, _M_invoker = 0x55c530a9a920 
<std::_Function_handler<void(const tl::boxed<MTPmessages_dialogs>&), 
MTPmessages_Dialogs&)> >::_M_invoke(const std::_Any_data &, const 
tl::boxed<MTPmessages_dialogs> &)>}}
        result = {<MTPmessages_dialogs> = {<tl::details::type_owner> = {_data = 
0x7f0b70015da0}, _type = 364538944}, <No data fields>}
#29 MTP::Sender::RequestBuilder::DoneHandler<tl::boxed<MTPmessages_dialogs>, 
MTP::Sender::RequestBuilder::DonePlainPolicy>::operator()(int, int const*, int 
const*) (this=<optimized out>, requestId=<optimized out>, from=<optimized out>, 
end=<optimized out>) at ./Telegram/SourceFiles/mtproto/sender.h:66
        handler = {_impl = {<std::_Maybe_unary_or_binary_function<void, 
tl::boxed<MTPmessages_dialogs> const&>> = 
{<std::unary_function<tl::boxed<MTPmessages_dialogs> const&, void>> = {<No data 
fields>}, <No data fields>}, <std::_Function_base> = {static _M_max_size = 16, 
static _M_max_align = 8, _M_functor = {_M_unused = {_M_object = 0x0, 
_M_const_object = 0x0, _M_function_pointer = 0x0, _M_member_pointer = NULL}, 
_M_pod_data = "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\300\377i3\305U\000"}, 
_M_manager = 0x55c530a6ed00 <std::_Function_handler<void(const 
MTPmessages_Dialogs&)> >::_M_manager(std::_Any_data &, const std::_Any_data &, 
std::_Manager_operation)>}, _M_invoker = 0x55c530a9a920 
<std::_Function_handler<void(const tl::boxed<MTPmessages_dialogs>&), 
MTPmessages_Dialogs&)> >::_M_invoke(const std::_Any_data &, const 
tl::boxed<MTPmessages_dialogs> &)>}}
        result = {<MTPmessages_dialogs> = {<tl::details::type_owner> = {_data = 
0x7f0b70015da0}, _type = 364538944}, <No data fields>}
#30 0x000055c5306b9d1c in MTP::Instance::Private::execCallback(int, int const*, 
int const*) (this=0x55c5336dd240, requestId=<optimized out>, from=<optimized 
out>, end=0x7f0b7001bdc4) at 
        handleError = {__requestId = @0x7ffe09351fcc, __h = @0x7ffe09352030, 
__this = 0x55c5336dd240}
        h = {onDone = std::shared_ptr<class RPCAbstractDoneHandler> (use count 
1, weak count 0) = {get() = 0x55c534112490}, onFail = std::shared_ptr<class 
RPCAbstractFailHandler> (use count 1, weak count 0) = {get() = 0x55c5341124e0}}
#31 0x000055c5306c495d in MTP::details::Session::tryToReceive() 
(this=0x55c5332741c0) at ./Telegram/SourceFiles/mtproto/session.cpp:570
        requestId = @0x7f0b7000c470: 11
        response = QVector<int> (size = 171) = {[0] = 364538944, [1] = 
481674261, [2] = 2, [3] = 739712882, [4] = 0, [5] = -1649296275, [6] = 777000, 
[7] = 7, [8] = 4, [9] = 0, [10] = 1, [11] = 0, [12] = -1353671392, [13] = 0, 
[14] = 739712882, [15] = 0, [16] = -1649296275, [17] = 752297, [18] = 6, [19] = 
5, [20] = 6, [21] = 0, [22] = 0, [23] = -1353671392, [24] = 0, [25] = 
481674261, [26] = 2, [27] = -1125940270, [28] = 8320, [29] = 7, [30] = 
-1649296275, [31] = 777000, [32] = 1628143875, [33] = 73726, [34] = 1768386380, 
[35] = 1868767342, [36] = 540697956, [37] = 825307441, [38] = 539898161, [39] = 
1847619396, [40] = 1730180207, [41] = 543520361, [42] = 1936287860, [43] = 
1685021472, [44] = 1869881445, [45] = 2037276960, [46] = 744844911, [47] = 
1702257952, [48] = 1718165614, [49] = 1701344288, [50] = 1634934905, [51] = 
1752440953, [52] = 1629518181, [53] = 1713399154, [54] = 544042866, [55] = 
1701602644, [56] = 1835102823, [57] = 1409944097, [58] = 544434536, [59] = 
1701080931, [60] = 1851876128, [61] = 543515168, [62] = 1684370293, [63] = 
544175136, [64] = 543649644, [65] = 1948282473, [66] = 1870209135, [67] = 
1411412597, [68] = 1734700133, [69] = 544039282, [70] = 1868784481, [71] = 
779382389, [72] = 543512352, [73] = 1702258030, [74] = 1935745138, [75] = 
1953046635, [76] = 1919903264, [77] = 2037276960, [78] = 1852401780, [79] = 
1818566759, [80] = 170812787, [81] = 543574282, [82] = 544567161, [83] = 
1852074340, [84] = 1914729511, [85] = 1702195557, [86] = 1948284019, [87] = 
544434536, [88] = 1701080931, [89] = 544825888, [90] = 1769566836, [91] = 
1948280686, [92] = 1869357167, [93] = 1852383335, [94] = 544108320, [95] = 
1953459809, [96] = 544367976, [97] = 1769366884, [98] = 539780451, [99] = 
1886218611, [100] = 1763735916, [101] = 1919905383, [102] = 1752440933, [103] = 
1830843241, [104] = 1634956133, [105] = 3040615, [106] = 481674261, [107] = 2, 
[108] = -1117713463, [109] = 0, [110] = 11, [111] = -1117713463, [112] = 23, 
[113] = 3, [114] = -1125940270, [115] = 33554690, [116] = 6, [117] = 
-1649296275, [118] = 749142, [119] = -1649296275, [120] = 752297, [121] = 
1628143694, [122] = 12545, [123] = 2678400, [124] = 481674261, [125] = 0, [126] 
= 481674261, [127] = 3, [128] = -1820043071, [129] = 42074199, [130] = 777000, 
[131] = 1740131403, [132] = 503659997, [133] = 1818579976, [134] = 1634887525, 
[135] = 109, [136] = 1953451533, [137] = 1667851881, [138] = 1869182049, [139] 
= 29550, [140] = 926036997, [141] = 14135, [142] = -306628279, [143] = 
2147483647, [144] = -1820043071, [145] = 33554507, [146] = 752297, [147] = 
550588538, [148] = -186609086, [149] = 1936020488, [150] = 875837556, [151] = 
51, [152] = 1886221321, [153] = 876115295, [154] = 13108, [155] = 9203775, 
[156] = 1628143859, [157] = -1820043071, [158] = 33555543, [159] = 749142, 
[160] = 565702414, [161] = -76957078, [162] = 1936020488, [163] = 909457012, 
[164] = 50, [165] = 24321, [166] = 960051466, [167] = 909194806, [168] = 
3290677, [169] = -306628279, [170] = 1628144177}
        lock = {q_val = 94305459772832}
        responses = {<base::flat_multi_map<int, QVector<int>, std::less<void> 
>> = {_data = {<base::flat_multi_map<int, QVector<int>, std::less<void> 
>::transparent_compare> = {<std::less<void>> = {<No data fields>}, <No data 
fields>}, elements = std::vector of length 1, capacity 1 = {{first = 11, second 
= QVector<int> (size = 171) = {[0] = 364538944, [1] = 481674261, [2] = 2, [3] = 
739712882, [4] = 0, [5] = -1649296275, [6] = 777000, [7] = 7, [8] = 4, [9] = 0, 
[10] = 1, [11] = 0, [12] = -1353671392, [13] = 0, [14] = 739712882, [15] = 0, 
[16] = -1649296275, [17] = 752297, [18] = 6, [19] = 5, [20] = 6, [21] = 0, [22] 
= 0, [23] = -1353671392, [24] = 0, [25] = 481674261, [26] = 2, [27] = 
-1125940270, [28] = 8320, [29] = 7, [30] = -1649296275, [31] = 777000, [32] = 
1628143875, [33] = 73726, [34] = 1768386380, [35] = 1868767342, [36] = 
540697956, [37] = 825307441, [38] = 539898161, [39] = 1847619396, [40] = 
1730180207, [41] = 543520361, [42] = 1936287860, [43] = 1685021472, [44] = 
1869881445, [45] = 2037276960, [46] = 744844911, [47] = 1702257952, [48] = 
1718165614, [49] = 1701344288, [50] = 1634934905, [51] = 1752440953, [52] = 
1629518181, [53] = 1713399154, [54] = 544042866, [55] = 1701602644, [56] = 
1835102823, [57] = 1409944097, [58] = 544434536, [59] = 1701080931, [60] = 
1851876128, [61] = 543515168, [62] = 1684370293, [63] = 544175136, [64] = 
543649644, [65] = 1948282473, [66] = 1870209135, [67] = 1411412597, [68] = 
1734700133, [69] = 544039282, [70] = 1868784481, [71] = 779382389, [72] = 
543512352, [73] = 1702258030, [74] = 1935745138, [75] = 1953046635, [76] = 
1919903264, [77] = 2037276960, [78] = 1852401780, [79] = 1818566759, [80] = 
170812787, [81] = 543574282, [82] = 544567161, [83] = 1852074340, [84] = 
1914729511, [85] = 1702195557, [86] = 1948284019, [87] = 544434536, [88] = 
1701080931, [89] = 544825888, [90] = 1769566836, [91] = 1948280686, [92] = 
1869357167, [93] = 1852383335, [94] = 544108320, [95] = 1953459809, [96] = 
544367976, [97] = 1769366884, [98] = 539780451, [99] = 1886218611, [100] = 
1763735916, [101] = 1919905383, [102] = 1752440933, [103] = 1830843241, [104] = 
1634956133, [105] = 3040615, [106] = 481674261, [107] = 2, [108] = -1117713463, 
[109] = 0, [110] = 11, [111] = -1117713463, [112] = 23, [113] = 3, [114] = 
-1125940270, [115] = 33554690, [116] = 6, [117] = -1649296275, [118] = 749142, 
[119] = -1649296275, [120] = 752297, [121] = 1628143694, [122] = 12545, [123] = 
2678400, [124] = 481674261, [125] = 0, [126] = 481674261, [127] = 3, [128] = 
-1820043071, [129] = 42074199, [130] = 777000, [131] = 1740131403, [132] = 
503659997, [133] = 1818579976, [134] = 1634887525, [135] = 109, [136] = 
1953451533, [137] = 1667851881, [138] = 1869182049, [139] = 29550, [140] = 
926036997, [141] = 14135, [142] = -306628279, [143] = 2147483647, [144] = 
-1820043071, [145] = 33554507, [146] = 752297, [147] = 550588538, [148] = 
-186609086, [149] = 1936020488, [150] = 875837556, [151] = 51, [152] = 
1886221321, [153] = 876115295, [154] = 13108, [155] = 9203775, [156] = 
1628143859, [157] = -1820043071, [158] = 33555543, [159] = 749142, [160] = 
565702414, [161] = -76957078, [162] = 1936020488, [163] = 909457012, [164] = 
50, [165] = 24321, [166] = 960051466, [167] = 909194806, [168] = 3290677, [169] 
= -306628279, [170] = 1628144177}}}}}, <No data fields>}
        updates = std::vector of length 0, capacity 0
#32 0x000055c5306c71e0 in operator() (session={ptr_ = <optimized out>}, 
__closure=<optimized out>) at ./Telegram/SourceFiles/mtproto/session.cpp:68
        callback = {<No data fields>}
        session = <optimized out>
#33 operator() (this=<optimized out>, this=<optimized out>) at 
        callback = {<No data fields>}
        session = <optimized out>
#34 std::__invoke_impl<void, 
 >::<lambda()>&> (__f=<optimized out>) at /usr/include/c++/10/bits/invoke.h:60
#35 std::__invoke_r<void, 
 >::<lambda()>&> (__fn=<optimized out>) at /usr/include/c++/10/bits/invoke.h:110
#36 std::_Function_handler<void(), 
 >::<lambda()> >::_M_invoke(const std::_Any_data &) (__functor=<optimized out>) 
at /usr/include/c++/10/bits/std_function.h:291
#37 0x000055c52ffb3672 in std::function<void ()>::operator()() const 
(this=0x55c534140de8) at /usr/include/c++/10/bits/std_function.h:622
#38 base::unique_function<void ()>::operator()() (this=0x55c534140de8) at 
#39 base::InvokeQueuedEvent::invoke() (this=0x55c534140dd0) at 
#40 Core::Sandbox::notifyOrInvoke(QObject*, QEvent*) 
(this=this@entry=0x7ffe09352750, receiver=receiver@entry=0x55c5332741c0, 
e=e@entry=0x55c534140dd0) at ./Telegram/SourceFiles/core/sandbox.cpp:526
#41 0x000055c52ffb375d in Core::Sandbox::notify(QObject*, QEvent*) 
(this=0x7ffe09352750, receiver=0x55c5332741c0, e=0x55c534140dd0) at 
        wrap = {f_ = {__this = 0x7ffe09352750}, invoke_ = true}
#42 0x00007f0be07bafca in QCoreApplication::notifyInternal2(QObject*, QEvent*) 
(receiver=0x55c5332741c0, event=0x55c534140dd0) at 
        selfRequired = true
        result = false
        cbdata = {0x55c5332741c0, 0x55c534140dd0, 0x7ffe093521bf}
        d = <optimized out>
        threadData = 0x55c533131450
        scopeLevelCounter = {threadData = 0x55c533131450}
#43 0x00007f0be07bda01 in QCoreApplicationPrivate::sendPostedEvents(QObject*, 
int, QThreadData*) (receiver=0x0, event_type=0, data=0x55c533131450) at 
        e = 0x55c534140dd0
        pe = <optimized out>
        r = 0x55c5332741c0
        relocker = {m_func = {__locker = @0x7ffe09352230}, m_invoke = true}
        event_deleter = {d = 0x55c534140dd0}
        locker = {_M_device = 0x55c533131480, _M_owns = false}
        startOffset = 0
        i = @0x55c533131474: 2
        cleanup = {receiver = 0x0, event_type = 0, data = 0x55c533131450, 
exceptionCaught = true}
#44 0x00007f0be0812e93 in postEventSourceDispatch(GSource*, GSourceFunc, 
gpointer) (s=0x55c53318b490) at kernel/qeventdispatcher_glib.cpp:277
        source = 0x55c53318b490
#45 0x00007f0bdefa8e6b in g_main_dispatch (context=0x7f0bd0005000) at 
        dispatch = 0x7f0be0812e80 <postEventSourceDispatch(GSource*, 
GSourceFunc, gpointer)>
        prev_source = 0x0
        begin_time_nsec = 0
        was_in_call = 0
        user_data = 0x0
        callback = 0x0
        cb_funcs = <optimized out>
        cb_data = <optimized out>
        need_destroy = <optimized out>
        source = 0x55c53318b490
        current = 0x55c533111b50
        i = 0
        __func__ = "g_main_dispatch"
#46 g_main_context_dispatch (context=0x7f0bd0005000) at 
#47 0x00007f0bdefa9118 in g_main_context_iterate 
(context=context@entry=0x7f0bd0005000, block=block@entry=1, 
dispatch=dispatch@entry=1, self=<optimized out>) at ../../../glib/gmain.c:4119
        max_priority = 2147483647
        timeout = 8
        some_ready = 1
        nfds = <optimized out>
        allocated_nfds = <optimized out>
        fds = 0x55c533192c30
#48 0x00007f0bdefa91cf in g_main_context_iteration (context=0x7f0bd0005000, 
may_block=may_block@entry=1) at ../../../glib/gmain.c:4184
        retval = <optimized out>
#49 0x00007f0be081251f in 
(this=0x55c53318a330, flags={i = <optimized out>}) at 
        d = 0x55c53314e510
        canWait = true
        savedFlags = {i = 0}
        result = <optimized out>
#50 0x00007f0be07b998b in 
(this=this@entry=0x7ffe09352490, flags={i = 36}, flags@entry={i = 0}) at 
        d = 0x55c533143bb0
        threadData = <optimized out>
        locker = {val = 94305453486824}
        app = <optimized out>
#51 0x00007f0be07c1c00 in QCoreApplication::exec() () at 
        threadData = 0x55c533131450
        eventLoop = {<QObject> = {_vptr.QObject = 0x7f0be0a50888 <vtable for 
QEventLoop+16>, static staticMetaObject = {d = {superdata = {direct = 0x0}, 
stringdata = 0x7f0be0984b20 <qt_meta_stringdata_QObject>, data = 0x7f0be0984a00 
<qt_meta_data_QObject>, static_metacall = 0x7f0be07efd30 
<QObject::qt_static_metacall(QObject*, QMetaObject::Call, int, void**)>, 
relatedMetaObjects = 0x0, extradata = 0x0}}, d_ptr = {d = 0x55c533143bb0}, 
static staticQtMetaObject = {d = {superdata = {direct = 0x0}, stringdata = 
0x7f0be0987ac0 <qt_meta_stringdata_Qt>, data = 0x7f0be0984c40 
<qt_meta_data_Qt>, static_metacall = 0x0, relatedMetaObjects = 0x0, extradata = 
0x0}}}, static staticMetaObject = {d = {superdata = {direct = 0x7f0be0a48100 
<QObject::staticMetaObject>}, stringdata = 0x7f0be097f320 
<qt_meta_stringdata_QEventLoop>, data = 0x7f0be097f2c0 
<qt_meta_data_QEventLoop>, static_metacall = 0x7f0be07b96d0 
<QEventLoop::qt_static_metacall(QObject*, QMetaObject::Call, int, void**)>, 
relatedMetaObjects = 0x0, extradata = 0x0}}}
        returnCode = <optimized out>
#52 0x00007f0be0b88bdc in QGuiApplication::exec() () at 
#53 0x00007f0bdfe720d5 in QApplication::exec() () at 
#54 0x000055c52ffb24f5 in Core::Sandbox::start() 
(this=this@entry=0x7ffe09352750) at ./Telegram/SourceFiles/core/sandbox.cpp:157
        d = "/build/.local/share/TelegramDesktop" = {[0] = 47 '/', [1] = 98 
'b', [2] = 117 'u', [3] = 105 'i', [4] = 108 'l', [5] = 100 'd', [6] = 47 '/', 
[7] = 46 '.', [8] = 108 'l', [9] = 111 'o', [10] = 99 'c', [11] = 97 'a', [12] 
= 108 'l', [13] = 47 '/', [14] = 115 's', [15] = 104 'h', [16] = 97 'a', [17] = 
114 'r', [18] = 101 'e', [19] = 47 '/', [20] = 84 'T', [21] = 101 'e', [22] = 
108 'l', [23] = 101 'e', [24] = 103 'g', [25] = 114 'r', [26] = 97 'a', [27] = 
109 'm', [28] = 68 'D', [29] = 101 'e', [30] = 115 's', [31] = 107 'k', [32] = 
116 't', [33] = 111 'o', [34] = 112 'p'}
        h = "ad351bd42ee3b510094aa578236fddb6"
#55 0x000055c52ffa6f31 in Core::Launcher::executeApplication() 
(this=0x7ffe09352750) at ./Telegram/SourceFiles/core/launcher.cpp:528
        arguments = {static kForwardArgumentCount = 1, _count = 1, _owned = 
std::vector of length 2, capacity 2 = {"/usr/bin/telegram-desktop" = {[0] = 47 
'/', [1] = 117 'u', [2] = 115 's', [3] = 114 'r', [4] = 47 '/', [5] = 98 'b', 
[6] = 105 'i', [7] = 110 'n', [8] = 47 '/', [9] = 116 't', [10] = 101 'e', [11] 
= 108 'l', [12] = 101 'e', [13] = 103 'g', [14] = 114 'r', [15] = 97 'a', [16] 
= 109 'm', [17] = 45 '-', [18] = 100 'd', [19] = 101 'e', [20] = 115 's', [21] 
= 107 'k', [22] = 116 't', [23] = 111 'o', [24] = 112 'p'}, ""}, _arguments = 
std::vector of length 2, capacity 2 = {0x55c533143878 
"/usr/bin/telegram-desktop", 0x55c533143a98 ""}}
        sandbox = warning: RTTI symbol not found for class 
rpl::no_error>::Data, std::allocator<rpl::event_stream<rpl::empty_value, 
rpl::no_error>::Data>, (__gnu_cxx::_Lock_policy)2>'
warning: RTTI symbol not found for class 
rpl::no_error>::Data, std::allocator<rpl::event_stream<rpl::empty_value, 
rpl::no_error>::Data>, (__gnu_cxx::_Lock_policy)2>'
{<QApplication> = {<QGuiApplication> = {<QCoreApplication> = {<QObject> = 
{_vptr.QObject = 0x55c53287f560 <vtable for Core::Sandbox+16>, static 
staticMetaObject = {d = {superdata = {direct = 0x0}, stringdata = 
0x7f0be0984b20 <qt_meta_stringdata_QObject>, data = 0x7f0be0984a00 
<qt_meta_data_QObject>, static_metacall = 0x7f0be07efd30 
<QObject::qt_static_metacall(QObject*, QMetaObject::Call, int, void**)>, 
relatedMetaObjects = 0x0, extradata = 0x0}}, d_ptr = {d = 0x55c53314a8c0}, 
static staticQtMetaObject = {d = {superdata = {direct = 0x0}, stringdata = 
0x7f0be0987ac0 <qt_meta_stringdata_Qt>, data = 0x7f0be0984c40 
<qt_meta_data_Qt>, static_metacall = 0x0, relatedMetaObjects = 0x0, extradata = 
0x0}}}, static staticMetaObject = {d = {superdata = {direct = 0x7f0be0a48100 
<QObject::staticMetaObject>}, stringdata = 0x7f0be097f9e0 
<qt_meta_stringdata_QCoreApplication>, data = 0x7f0be097f8c0 
<qt_meta_data_QCoreApplication>, static_metacall = 0x7f0be07bc780 
<QCoreApplication::qt_static_metacall(QObject*, QMetaObject::Call, int, 
void**)>, relatedMetaObjects = 0x0, extradata = 0x0}}, static self = 
0x7ffe09352750}, static staticMetaObject = {d = {superdata = {direct = 
0x7f0be0a50a20 <QCoreApplication::staticMetaObject>}, stringdata = 
0x7f0be1001820 <qt_meta_stringdata_QGuiApplication>, data = 0x7f0be10015a0 
<qt_meta_data_QGuiApplication>, static_metacall = 0x7f0be0b8e420 
<QGuiApplication::qt_static_metacall(QObject*, QMetaObject::Call, int, 
void**)>, relatedMetaObjects = 0x0, extradata = 0x0}}}, static staticMetaObject 
= {d = {superdata = {direct = 0x7f0be11000a0 
<QGuiApplication::staticMetaObject>}, stringdata = 0x7f0be0204b40 
<qt_meta_stringdata_QApplication>, data = 0x7f0be02049c0 
<qt_meta_data_QApplication>, static_metacall = 0x7f0bdfe755c0 
<QApplication::qt_static_metacall(QObject*, QMetaObject::Call, int, void**)>, 
relatedMetaObjects = 0x0, extradata = 0x0}}}, <QAbstractNativeEventFilter> = 
{_vptr.QAbstractNativeEventFilter = 0x55c53287f5e8 <vtable for 
Core::Sandbox+152>, d = 0x7f0be07e648e <QObjectPrivate::~QObjectPrivate()+94>}, 
_mainThreadId = 0x7f0bd6810440, _eventNestingLevel = 1, _loopNestingLevel = 0, 
_previousLoopNestingLevels = std::vector of length 0, capacity 1, 
_postponedCalls = std::vector of length 0, capacity 1, _handleObservables = 
{<QObject> = {_vptr.QObject = 0x55c53287f4f0 <vtable for 
SingleQueuedInvokation+16>, static staticMetaObject = {d = {superdata = {direct 
= 0x0}, stringdata = 0x7f0be0984b20 <qt_meta_stringdata_QObject>, data = 
0x7f0be0984a00 <qt_meta_data_QObject>, static_metacall = 0x7f0be07efd30 
<QObject::qt_static_metacall(QObject*, QMetaObject::Call, int, void**)>, 
relatedMetaObjects = 0x0, extradata = 0x0}}, d_ptr = {d = 0x55c533190d90}, 
static staticQtMetaObject = {d = {superdata = {direct = 0x0}, stringdata = 
0x7f0be0987ac0 <qt_meta_stringdata_Qt>, data = 0x7f0be0984c40 
<qt_meta_data_Qt>, static_metacall = 0x0, relatedMetaObjects = 0x0, extradata = 
0x0}}}, _callback = {<std::_Maybe_unary_or_binary_function<void>> = {<No data 
fields>}, <std::_Function_base> = {static _M_max_size = 16, static _M_max_align 
= 8, _M_functor = {_M_unused = {_M_object = 0x7ffe09352750, _M_const_object = 
0x7ffe09352750, _M_function_pointer = 0x7ffe09352750, _M_member_pointer = (void 
(std::_Undefined_class::*)(class std::_Undefined_class * const)) 
0x7ffe09352750, this adjustment 140729052899320}, _M_pod_data = 
"P'5\t\376\177\000\000\370'5\t\376\177\000"}, _M_manager = 0x55c52ffaebd0 
Core::Sandbox::Sandbox(gsl::not_null<Core::Launcher*>, int&, 
char**)::<lambda()> >::_M_manager(std::_Any_data &, const std::_Any_data &, 
std::_Manager_operation)>}, _M_invoker = 0x55c52ffaec10 
Core::Sandbox::Sandbox(gsl::not_null<Core::Launcher*>, int&, 
char**)::<lambda()> >::_M_invoke(const std::_Any_data &)>}, _pending = 
{<QAtomicInteger<int>> = {<QBasicAtomicInteger<int>> = {_q_value = 
{<std::__atomic_base<int>> = {static _S_alignment = 4, _M_i = 0}, static 
is_always_lock_free = true}}, <No data fields>}, <No data fields>}}, _launcher 
= {ptr_ = 0x55c533140ae0}, _application = std::unique_ptr<class 
Core::Application> = {get() = 0x55c5331449a0}, _localServerName = 
 _localSocketReadData = "", _localServer = {<QObject> = {_vptr.QObject = 
0x7f0be129bbb0 <vtable for QLocalServer+16>, static staticMetaObject = {d = 
{superdata = {direct = 0x0}, stringdata = 0x7f0be0984b20 
<qt_meta_stringdata_QObject>, data = 0x7f0be0984a00 <qt_meta_data_QObject>, 
static_metacall = 0x7f0be07efd30 <QObject::qt_static_metacall(QObject*, 
QMetaObject::Call, int, void**)>, relatedMetaObjects = 0x0, extradata = 0x0}}, 
d_ptr = {d = 0x55c53318b860}, static staticQtMetaObject = {d = {superdata = 
{direct = 0x0}, stringdata = 0x7f0be0987ac0 <qt_meta_stringdata_Qt>, data = 
0x7f0be0984c40 <qt_meta_data_Qt>, static_metacall = 0x0, relatedMetaObjects = 
0x0, extradata = 0x0}}}, static staticMetaObject = {d = {superdata = {direct = 
0x7f0be0a48100 <QObject::staticMetaObject>}, stringdata = 0x7f0be1252820 
<qt_meta_stringdata_QLocalServer>, data = 0x7f0be1252720 
<qt_meta_data_QLocalServer>, static_metacall = 0x7f0be1200880 
<QLocalServer::qt_static_metacall(QObject*, QMetaObject::Call, int, void**)>, 
relatedMetaObjects = 0x0, extradata = 0x0}}}, _localSocket = {<QIODevice> = 
{<QObject> = {_vptr.QObject = 0x7f0be129ba58 <vtable for QLocalSocket+16>, 
static staticMetaObject = {d = {superdata = {direct = 0x0}, stringdata = 
0x7f0be0984b20 <qt_meta_stringdata_QObject>, data = 0x7f0be0984a00 
<qt_meta_data_QObject>, static_metacall = 0x7f0be07efd30 
<QObject::qt_static_metacall(QObject*, QMetaObject::Call, int, void**)>, 
relatedMetaObjects = 0x0, extradata = 0x0}}, d_ptr = {d = 0x55c533190ee0}, 
static staticQtMetaObject = {d = {superdata = {direct = 0x0}, stringdata = 
0x7f0be0987ac0 <qt_meta_stringdata_Qt>, data = 0x7f0be0984c40 
<qt_meta_data_Qt>, static_metacall = 0x0, relatedMetaObjects = 0x0, extradata = 
0x0}}}, static staticMetaObject = {d = {superdata = {direct = 0x7f0be0a48100 
<QObject::staticMetaObject>}, stringdata = 0x7f0be096eb60 
<qt_meta_stringdata_QIODevice>, data = 0x7f0be096ea60 <qt_meta_data_QIODevice>, 
static_metacall = 0x7f0be06ebb20 <QIODevice::qt_static_metacall(QObject*, 
QMetaObject::Call, int, void**)>, relatedMetaObjects = 0x0, extradata = 0x0}}}, 
static staticMetaObject = {d = {superdata = {direct = 0x7f0be0a4d920 
<QIODevice::staticMetaObject>}, stringdata = 0x7f0be1252200 
<qt_meta_stringdata_QLocalSocket>, data = 0x7f0be12520c0 
<qt_meta_data_QLocalSocket>, static_metacall = 0x7f0be11ff8e0 
<QLocalSocket::qt_static_metacall(QObject*, QMetaObject::Call, int, void**)>, 
relatedMetaObjects = 0x0, extradata = 0x0}}}, _localClients = QList<struct 
QPair<QLocalSocket*, QByteArray>> (size = 0), _secondInstance = false, 
_updateChecker = std::unique_ptr<class Core::UpdateChecker> = {get() = 0x0}, 
_lastCrashDump = <QArrayData::shared_null+24> "", _sandboxProxy = {type = 
MTP::ProxyData::Type::None, host = "", port = 0, user = "", password = "", 
resolvedIPs = std::vector of length 0, capacity 0, resolvedExpireAt = 0}, 
_widgetUpdateRequests = {_data = std::shared_ptr<struct 
rpl::event_stream<rpl::empty_value, rpl::no_error>::Data> (use count 1, weak 
count 2) = {get() = 0x55c53316a1d0}}}
        processor = {<QObject> = {_vptr.QObject = 0x55c532907848 <vtable for 
Ui::MainQueueProcessor+16>, static staticMetaObject = {d = {superdata = {direct 
= 0x0}, stringdata = 0x7f0be0984b20 <qt_meta_stringdata_QObject>, data = 
0x7f0be0984a00 <qt_meta_data_QObject>, static_metacall = 0x7f0be07efd30 
<QObject::qt_static_metacall(QObject*, QMetaObject::Call, int, void**)>, 
relatedMetaObjects = 0x0, extradata = 0x0}}, d_ptr = {d = 0x55c533191950}, 
static staticQtMetaObject = {d = {superdata = {direct = 0x0}, stringdata = 
0x7f0be0987ac0 <qt_meta_stringdata_Qt>, data = 0x7f0be0984c40 
<qt_meta_data_Qt>, static_metacall = 0x0, relatedMetaObjects = 0x0, extradata = 
0x0}}}, _lifetime = {_callbacks = std::vector of length 1, capacity 1 = {{_impl 
= {<std::_Maybe_unary_or_binary_function<void>> = {<No data fields>}, 
<std::_Function_base> = {static _M_max_size = 16, static _M_max_align = 8, 
_M_functor = {_M_unused = {_M_object = 0x55c533191a10, _M_const_object = 
0x55c533191a10, _M_function_pointer = 0x55c533191a10, _M_member_pointer = (void 
(std::_Undefined_class::*)(class std::_Undefined_class * const)) 
0x55c533191a10, this adjustment 139688957316064}, _M_pod_data = 
"\020\032\031\063\305U\000\000\340\v\256\336\v\177\000"}, _M_manager = 
0x55c52facb810 <std::_Function_handler<void (), 
rpl::details::consumer_base<rpl::empty_value, rpl::no_error, 
rpl::details::type_erased_handlers<rpl::empty_value, rpl::no_error> 
>::terminator() const::{lambda()#1}>::_M_manager(std::_Any_data&, 
std::_Any_data const&, std::_Manager_operation)>}, _M_invoker = 0x55c52facbb00 
<std::_Function_handler<void (), rpl::details::consumer_base<rpl::empty_value, 
rpl::no_error, rpl::details::type_erased_handlers<rpl::empty_value, 
rpl::no_error> >::terminator() const::{lambda()#1}>::_M_invoke(std::_Any_data 
        environment = {_thread = {<QObject> = {_vptr.QObject = 0x7f0be0a4bf10 
<vtable for QThread+16>, static staticMetaObject = {d = {superdata = {direct = 
0x0}, stringdata = 0x7f0be0984b20 <qt_meta_stringdata_QObject>, data = 
0x7f0be0984a00 <qt_meta_data_QObject>, static_metacall = 0x7f0be07efd30 
<QObject::qt_static_metacall(QObject*, QMetaObject::Call, int, void**)>, 
relatedMetaObjects = 0x0, extradata = 0x0}}, d_ptr = {d = 0x55c53318c480}, 
static staticQtMetaObject = {d = {superdata = {direct = 0x0}, stringdata = 
0x7f0be0987ac0 <qt_meta_stringdata_Qt>, data = 0x7f0be0984c40 
<qt_meta_data_Qt>, static_metacall = 0x0, relatedMetaObjects = 0x0, extradata = 
0x0}}}, static staticMetaObject = {d = {superdata = {direct = 0x7f0be0a48100 
<QObject::staticMetaObject>}, stringdata = 0x7f0be08a0920 
<qt_meta_stringdata_QThread>, data = 0x7f0be08a0840 <qt_meta_data_QThread>, 
static_metacall = 0x7f0be05d8590 <QThread::qt_static_metacall(QObject*, 
QMetaObject::Call, int, void**)>, relatedMetaObjects = 0x0, extradata = 0x0}}}, 
_adjuster = {_vptr.QObject = 0x7f0be0a50ea0 <vtable for QObject+16>, static 
staticMetaObject = {d = {superdata = {direct = 0x0}, stringdata = 
0x7f0be0984b20 <qt_meta_stringdata_QObject>, data = 0x7f0be0984a00 
<qt_meta_data_QObject>, static_metacall = 0x7f0be07efd30 
<QObject::qt_static_metacall(QObject*, QMetaObject::Call, int, void**)>, 
relatedMetaObjects = 0x0, extradata = 0x0}}, d_ptr = {d = 0x55c533191b50}, 
static staticQtMetaObject = {d = {superdata = {direct = 0x0}, stringdata = 
0x7f0be0987ac0 <qt_meta_stringdata_Qt>, data = 0x7f0be0984c40 
<qt_meta_data_Qt>, static_metacall = 0x0, relatedMetaObjects = 0x0, extradata = 
#56 0x000055c52ffa7139 in Core::Launcher::exec() (this=0x55c533140ae0) at 
        result = <optimized out>
#57 0x000055c52fa89db5 in main(int, char**) (argc=argc@entry=1, 
argv=argv@entry=0x7ffe09352a48) at ./Telegram/SourceFiles/main.cpp:12
        launcher = std::unique_ptr<class Core::Launcher> = {get() = 
#58 0x00007f0bde948d0a in __libc_start_main (main=0x55c52fa89d80 <main(int, 
char**)>, argc=1, argv=0x7ffe09352a48, init=<optimized out>, fini=<optimized 
out>, rtld_fini=<optimized out>, stack_end=0x7ffe09352a38) at 
        result = <optimized out>
        unwind_buf = {cancel_jmp_buf = {{jmp_buf = {0, 3940153402619864037, 
94305396678800, 0, 0, 0, 7122528528231572453, 7148306308646708197}, 
mask_was_saved = 0}}, priv = {pad = {0x0, 0x0, 0x1, 0x7ffe09352a48}, data = 
{prev = 0x0, cleanup = 0x0, canceltype = 1}}}
        not_first_call = <optimized out>
#59 0x000055c52fab60ba in _start () at 
(gdb) quit
Description: Check message TTL every 24 hours
Author: John Preston <>

diff --git a/Telegram/SourceFiles/data/data_session.cpp b/Telegram/SourceFiles/data/data_session.cpp
index 421a2096b..1068f1cb3 100644
--- a/Telegram/SourceFiles/data/data_session.cpp
+++ b/Telegram/SourceFiles/data/data_session.cpp
@@ -2020,8 +2020,11 @@ void Session::scheduleNextTTLs() {
 	const auto nearest = _ttlMessages.begin()->first;
 	const auto now = base::unixtime::now();
-	const auto timeout = (std::max(now, nearest) - now) * crl::time(1000);
-	_ttlCheckTimer.callOnce(timeout);
+	// Set timer not more than for 24 hours.
+	const auto maxTimeout = TimeId(86400);
+	const auto timeout = std::min(std::max(now, nearest) - now, maxTimeout);
+	_ttlCheckTimer.callOnce(timeout * crl::time(1000));
 void Session::unregisterMessageTTL(
[2021.08.05 15:33:48] Launched version: 2006001, install beta: [FALSE], alpha: 
0, debug mode: [FALSE]
[2021.08.05 15:33:48] Executable dir: /usr/bin/, name: telegram-desktop
[2021.08.05 15:33:48] Initial working dir: /build/telegram-desktop/
[2021.08.05 15:33:48] Working dir: /build/.local/share/TelegramDesktop/
[2021.08.05 15:33:48] Command line: telegram-desktop
[2021.08.05 15:33:48] Executable path before check: /usr/bin/telegram-desktop
[2021.08.05 15:33:48] Logs started
[2021.08.05 15:33:48] Launcher filename: telegramdesktop.desktop
[2021.08.05 15:33:50] Connecting local socket to 
[2021.08.05 15:33:50] Socket connect error 0, starting server and app...
[2021.08.05 15:33:50] Moved logging from 
'/build/.local/share/TelegramDesktop/log_start0.txt' to 
[2021.08.05 15:33:50] Primary screen DPI: 96
[2021.08.05 15:33:52] App Info: reading settings...
[2021.08.05 15:33:52] App Info: reading encrypted settings...
[2021.08.05 15:33:52] Lang Info: Loaded cached, keys: 0
[2021.08.05 15:33:52] OpenAL Logging Level: (not set)
[2021.08.05 15:33:52] Audio Playback Devices: ALSA Default;HDA Intel PCH, 
ALC255 Analog (CARD=PCH,DEV=0);HDA Intel PCH, HDMI 0 (CARD=PCH,DEV=3);HDA Intel 
[2021.08.05 15:33:52] Audio Playback Default Device: ALSA Default
[2021.08.05 15:33:52] Audio Capture Devices: ALSA Default;HDA Intel PCH, ALC255 
Analog (CARD=PCH,DEV=0)
[2021.08.05 15:33:52] Audio Capture Default Device: ALSA Default
[2021.08.05 15:33:53] Not using D-Bus global menu.
[2021.08.05 15:33:53] Not using Unity launcher counter.
[2021.08.05 15:33:53] System tray available: [TRUE]
[2021.08.05 15:33:54] App Info: reading accounts info...
[2021.08.05 15:33:54] App Info: reading encrypted info...
[2021.08.05 15:33:54] App Info: reading map...
[2021.08.05 15:33:54] App Info: reading encrypted map...
[2021.08.05 15:33:54] App Info: reading encrypted user settings...
[2021.08.05 15:33:54] App Info: encrypted user settings read.
[2021.08.05 15:33:54] App Info: reading encrypted mtp data...
[2021.08.05 15:33:54] MTP Info: read keys, current: 2, to destroy: 0
[2021.08.05 15:33:54] Map read time: 2
[2021.08.05 15:33:54] App Info: reading encrypted mtp config...
[2021.08.05 15:33:54] TCP Error: network - Network unreachable
[2021.08.05 15:33:54] HTTP Error: network error 99 - Network unreachable
[2021.08.05 15:33:54] Export Info: Destroy top bar by controller removal.
[2021.08.05 15:33:54] Using Qt tray icon.
[2021.08.05 15:34:03] Assertion Failed! "timeout >= 0 && timeout <= 
std::numeric_limits<int>::max()" timer.cpp:101

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: This is a digitally signed message part

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