I see, thanks for clarifying this! We have documented the dependencies
here: https://shutter-project.org/downloads/dependencies/ Most of them are
actually named in Debian/Ubuntu naming style, as far as I know.
As jiho lee already mentioned, it would be necessary to package
https://metacpan.org/dist/GooCanvas2-CairoTypes and add it as dependency.

The dependency gir1.2-appindicator3-0.1 is necessary for core functionality
(showing the tray icon) but only for Gnome users. Don't know what the best
way to deal with this is... In the Ubuntu PPA this is a "Recommended"
dependency, in Arch Linux an optional one.

Am Di., 17. Aug. 2021 um 22:30 Uhr schrieb Andrej Shadura <and...@shadura.me

> Hi
> Unfortunately, that packaging isn’t well-commented, so it’s not easy to
> verify what exactly is needed and what isn’t.
> It would be much better if you as the upstream documented the exact
> dependencies and other requirement, preferably in some standard format e.g.
> (probably? I’m not a Perl expert) META.yml or something, or at least in the
> README file.
> --
> Cheers,
>   Andrej

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