On Sun, 23 Apr 2006 08:30:13 +0200 René van Bevern <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Could you please try if it works when you move your TeXmacs > directory out of the way? I.e. move ~/.TeXmacs somewhere else and > try start it.
OK, I got it running, and opening my file edited w/ WinTeXmacs. Last night, I downgraded to the TeXmacs in stable (1.0.4), to see if it would work so I could edit my paper. It started, but had a floating point exception when it tried to load my paper. This morning, I re-upgraded to the TeXmacs in testing to try what you wanted; it re-read the config directory as a version upgrade, started, and opened my file beautifully. So, TeXmacs from Testing works just fine now. The first TeXmacs used on this computer was the one from testing, and never worked until now. My ~/.TeXmacs directory is part of my home directory copied from my old FreeBSD workstation when I built my current computer; it was created by whatever version of TeXmacs FreeBSD had in ports in Jan. or Feb. It was either 1.0.5 or 1.0.6. > > A core dump file can be provided upon request. > > Since I am unable to make it crash, a core dump file would be really > nice. Upload it somewhere or send it to my E-Mail address directly. > > Along with a core file, your configuration might be interesting to > me. (the scm files in .TeXmacs/system) A gzipped core file and a tarball of my ~/.TeXmacs directory have been uploaded to <http://www.elehack.net/texmacs-core>. tm-config.tgz is the TeXmacs config as copied from FreeBSD, and tm-current.tgz is the TeXmacs config as it sits on my Debian machine with TeXmacs in stable working. - Michael -- mouse, n: a device for pointing at the xterm in which you want to type. -- Fortune Visit me on the Web: http://www.elehack.net
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