Control: tag -1 + patch

On Thu, 22 Jun 2017 23:55:19 -0500 Daniel Echeverry <> wrote:
> these connections are necessary for glances can show the Public IP Address.

but that functionality can be trivially disabled by disabling the ip module by
default using the following patch:

--- a/conf/glances.conf
+++ b/conf/glances.conf
@@ -603,3 +603,6 @@ regex=\/sbin\/init
 service_cmd=/usr/bin/service --status-all

Please consider changing the default configuration of glances to respect user's
privacy by default. The current package description reads:

> Curses-based monitoring tool
>  Glances is a curses-based monitoring tool for GNU/Linux or BSD OS.
>  Glances uses the PsUtil library to get information from your system.
>  .
>  It monitors CPU, load, memory, network bandwidth, disk I/O, disk use, 
> process.

I doubt anybody reading that expects glances to violate their privacy by making
requests to certain services on the internet that are not controlled by Debian.
Do you know who controls them? Why do you trust them? Why is this feature not
disabled by default to protect our users?

I suggest to disable the ip module by default and until then, am adding glances
to the list of privacy issues we have in Debian:


cheers, josch

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