
I assume you are talking post-bullseye upload.

On Fri, 2021-06-25 at 21:23 +0800, Yao Wei wrote:
> Package: im-config
> Version: 0.46-1
> Severity: wishlist
> Hi,
> As discussed in https://github.com/kovidgoyal/kitty/issues/469, adding
> `GLFW_IM_MODULE=ibus` can enable IBus API connection in kitty terminal,
> and thus enabling CJK input in that terminal emulator.
> Not only in IBus, fcitx5 populates IBus API so setting the envvar to
> `ibus` also works in fcitx5.

I don't know about kitty but this sounds very good idea.
I assume this is like fbterm like program on Linux console with a lot of 
features ...
nono ...this is run under X.

> However, after some searching I found that the variable looks like
> exclusively used in kitty, especially this envvar acts as a toggle in
> kitty's source code:
> https://github.com/kovidgoyal/kitty/blob/6179cfc6703af1b0682fdd14829280b8a228c167/glfw/ibus_glfw.c#L286
> I am wondering whether it is okay to add that variable into im-config.

I see this very low risk and good idea.
Send us pull request or patch.


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