Package: notcurses
Version: 2.3.4+dfsg.1-2

This package is failing to build on Ubuntu due to the tests failing as the
terminal size is too small:
 notcurses 2.3.4 by nick black et al on XTerm [34m
  20 rows 76 cols (23.75KiB) 48B crend 8 colors
  compiled with gcc-10.3.0, 16B little-endian cells
  terminfo from ncurses 6.2.20201114
  avformat 58.45.100 avutil 56.51.100 swscale 5.7.100
At least an 76x24 terminal is required (current: 76x20)

This is due to the -m2 that is passed to notcurses-demo. If that is changed
to a -m0,2,0,2 (i.e. only have left and right margins) then the tests pass
as the height of the terminal is high enough. I'm not sure if these tests
are being run on the Debian build servers, and if they are why they pass

Please consider changing the test to avoid this issue, thanks!

See for the Ubuntu bug.

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